Polls show Labour cruising to big win in UK elections, but both main parties are slipping in polls

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/14/polls-show-labour-cruising-to-big-win-in-uk-elections-but-both-main-parties-are-slipping-in-polls.html


We all know Sir Keir is kind of crap, but some unity on the left isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it means we can get the Tories out


A TER is still a TER, it doesn’t matter what colour party they represent.

I have 12 people to choose from, but only the Lib Dems and Greens make it over the low hurdles of not being transphobes and having any chance of winning here. Maybe the ex-Labour independent and Rejoin EU are OK, but I’d be surprised if they retained their deposit.

No. No votes for transphobes. Keir Starmer, Wes Streeting, Anneliese Dodds and Rosie Duffield can go fuck themselves.


Better than the Tories, though!

You do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it to them”.


This might be so but is a thought-stopping cliche. What are the actual choices?

  1. A right-wing government aggressively legislating against LGBTQ+ rights and intentionally stoking hatred for transgender people.

  2. Neo-liberal weathervanes shutting everything down until they figure out how to make transgender people legible to capital or whatever.

This might look like a rhetorical question that favors 2 (i.e. Labour) but I don’t know about that, maybe 1 is the fight to pick. Point is they’re not really the same. You don’t have to make an immoral or compromising choice but you will still suffer the consequences of abstention.


For goodness sake, he’s not a Ter, stop trying to make genuine, if tepid, ally an enemy.
He’s woefully wishy washy on the matter, but his statements of support for the community outnumber the facepalming misteps.

Some people are just a bit crap when it comes to supporting the issues that really matter to us.
Their not enemies.


Perhaps “Vote Saxon – less crazy than the alternatives!”


I so hope count binface wins more votes than Rishi for his seat.


I don’t think I can even think straight till the tories are gone.
Im filled with so much rage, it’s going to take years to uncoil myself.


On the one hand, I can understand why Labour have put forward such a completely dull manifesto filled with barely any policies at all. They just need to make sure the Tories are gone. That’s the first goal, and they shouldn’t give any ‘failed promises’ ammunition for anyone to attack them with through their first term once they’ve won.

…But on the other hand: My God Or Whatever, isn’t it all so utterly uninspiring?

Sitting in the relatively luxurious position of voting in an SNP/Labour battle ground it’s nice to know the Conservatives won’t win here, and I have plenty of sympathy for those forced into tactical voting around the rest of these isles.

One thing I find particularly interesting/depressing is the structure of the televised debates. Way too much focus on the two biggest parties, and it means anything on which they share common ground (cough - Brexit! - cough) simply doesn’t get mentioned. Stephen Flynn from the SNP has on more than one occasion got applause from debate audiences for calling out the obvious horrors of anti-immigration rhetoric coming from Cons / Lab / Reform, but the SNP doesn’t get to appear at all the debates.

All in all I’m finding the whole election pretty depressing.


Seeing my seat’s candidates, I have the same issue.

Our sitting MP has thrown her reputation in the bin and has made it clear that her priority is not the manifesto she was elected upon, but yelling at people about gender instead. She won’t jump ship, and they still won’t deselect her.

At least we have the Scottish Green Party (we’ve also got an independent who I’ve heard nothing about, so they could go either way).


I think ACTUAL trans people get to make that choice for themselves not be told to suck it up by others.

Sometimes they are worse than the enemies, because they are abandoning the marginalized for fucking expeidency’s sake. :woman_shrugging:

And from what @the_borderer has said, there are absolutely TERs in the ranks of labor… Again, I trust someone who is being targeted to know what is the what on that shit.

Seriously - stop telling people who are actively being attacked for you know… DARING TO EXIST that they don’t know what that looks like. They VERY much do know.


Agreed that Labour is not a particularly good ally (and that’s enough to lose my vote), but if the Tories get back in, things will be far worse for many more minorities and marginalized people, and that can’t be discounted in the equasion.


That doesn’t mean we should tell people who are actively being targeted that they’re “wrong”… they very much aren’t. That’s gaslighting and we should not do that, just because we might prefer the less bigoted party. If @the_borderer says that there is a TER problem, I’m gonna believe her. :woman_shrugging:


Hadaway and shite! Stop gaslighting me.

I could do this all day. Slightly less worse than the Tories is not a good look, especially when it is my rights on the line.


Some people are just a bit crap when it comes to supporting the issues that really matter to us.
Their not enemies.

I mean maybe not, but do they want our vote or not?

something something if you’re not part of the solution you’re part of the problem something

Also Martin Luther King Jr had some wise words about (white) moderates. Different subject and context, of course, but lessons for us all.


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Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


But unlike in the US, UK voters actually do have more than two choices. If Labour wins but can only form a government with coalition with the Greens and LibDems, those parties will actually influence policy.


She’s the reason I’m not voting labour (about 80%, the other 20% being their inability to tax the fuck out of the rich), but putting labour and the tories up as two sides of the same coin is the same both sides BS that might get Trump re-elected, and I don’t like that either.