Polls show Labour cruising to big win in UK elections, but both main parties are slipping in polls

I don’t believe that that is what @the_borderer is doing… at all. I think one can recognize the major faults in labor under sir Keir and understand that the tories are far worse. Just like here in the states, we can grok that Biden is aiding a genocide, and understand that Trump would be worse… But telling people who are being victimized to “shut up” as @sandrodacruz essentially did is just not helpful and is in fact hurting someone already down. That gaslighting shit NEEDS to stop…


I accept your opinions and I support you in your battle for Trans rights.

But, seriously, enemies fight and oppose us - that’s who we fight.
People who insufficiently support us, we bring onto our side, not push away.

This isn’t about ideological purity, it’s about practical change.


I’m responding to @beschizza , far be it from me to tell @the_borderer that she’s wrong.


Since your glib marginalization of the real existential threat facing Trans folks in the UK (and everywhere else) has been rebutted already:



I wrote to our local Labour candidate on the day he was announced, before the election was even called. I’m a parent of a trans child, and deeply disillusioned with the direction the UK seems to be heading. I simply wanted to ask him for reassurance that there might be anything hopeful to vote for in the future of the UK at all. I wrote to him again once the election was called.

Neither he nor his team have yet replied.

I also wrote a similar letter to our current (SNP) MP last week, once the elction had been announced, and he replied personally within 24 hours with a message of such sympathy, support, understanding, and somehow even optimism, that it amazes me I didn’t break with tradition and announce my voting intentions to the world on the spot.


Please explain to me, like the idiot lefty queer I am, how I was gaslighting you.
I am genuinely at a loss, but contrite.

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Wonderful! Can I give him a round of applause and a list of his colleagues to punch, please.


Did you tell the British Jewish community the same thing when they threatened to not vote for Labour? I’m doing nothing different. My rights are not a bargaining chip to be traded for votes.


I am NOT the one you need to say that shit to. I am not trans, nor am I British. You need to stop gaslighting @the_borderer. If she says that Labor as a TER problem, I’m going to believe her.

I fully understand and support her in the political arguments she’s making here. Yes, the tories are worse. We can all see that. But pushing transphobic policies (which, you know, @the_borderer provided you with all the receipts on that) to win over the centrists isn’t helpful and is just hurtful. Spineless cowards willing to give away basic human rights to win an election will do the same for other’s rights. If they will give up on protecting trans people, then they will give up on others, too, if it’s expedient.

Unlike the US, the UK has more than 2 parties, as she noted.

BTW, people said the same shit about the Democrats tepid support of Roe and now WOMEN ARE LITERALLY DYING… basic human rights should be a “low bar” that everyone we vote for clears. If they are not doing that, then pressure MUST be put on them in whatever way that we can. If that means (in the UK) voting for another party, then so be it.


You talked down to someone who is directly under threat, and you are actively marginalizing their legitimate concerns.

I repeat:



He ended his email by hoping he might see me at one of the smaller local Pride events coming up in the next few weeks, and so I shall pass on any thoughts! (I believe Joanna Cherry is already not very fond of him…)


By condscendingly saying that there is not transphobia where there most certainly IS transphobia. THAT is indeed gaslighting.

If they can come from the rights of trans people, they will come for EVERYONE else if it’s expedient.


I look longingly at the viable multiparty system the UK has, wishing we had something like that. Then I look at the actual state of the situation in the UK and realize, well, this is not the ultimate answer, either. Multiparty or not, voting still matters.


Genuinely, thank you.
It thats the case, I need to learn.

If here is not aporpriate, feel free to message directly.


You could start by directly talking to the person whose concerns about labor you just dismissed out of hand and condescended to about their lived experience, maybe…


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Now that I have calmed down a bit I would say that voting for the individual, not the party is OK. That’s why I say no votes for transphobes, not no votes for Labour.

The only problem is that my MP is Anneliese Dodds, Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, and a TER. I can not bring myself to vote for her. She betrayed me and I will never forget that.


We don’t let this slip!

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Old enough to remember when the NYT had an article on Hilary potentially winning Texas

