British intelligence recycles old argument for borking encryption: think of the children!
We saw it first crop up in the 1970s when Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman published on public-key encryption (something GCHQ had developed independently years before.) Such systems were labelled munitions, and their use and export severely limited – PGP creator Phil Zimmerman suffered three years of investigations in the 1990s over trying to allow private conversations.
I badly wanted to walk up those queues at Dover and Folkestone asking each driver if they voted for Brexit. Those that did would be told ‘You wanted to end freedom of movement? Mission accomplished - you’re not moving now, are you. Now fuck off back home and don’t dare come here again.’
To attack the reputation of (a person or thing) with strong or abusive criticism. synonym: malign.
To make vile; to debase; to degrade; to disgrace.
To degrade or debase by report; to defame; to traduce; to calumniate.
If we lean on the second and third points then, absent a modern legal precedent for the meaning of “vilify”, wouldn’t that lead to the arrest of the entire Tory party. /s
Or perhaps he’s having one of those “L’État, c’est moi” moments.