UKIP candidate tells Lenny Henry to move to a "black country"; party says reporting this is a "smear campaign"

God, I hope not.

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I think everyone is missing the most outrageous thing here, and that’s the very idea that Lenny Henry is a “beloved, British institution” !

Furthermore, probably UKIP meant that Lenny should move to THE Black Country, which is where Lenny is originally from ;-).


That and the insulting of a British person who co-founded Comic Relief. The UKIP politician probably objects to the amount of money donated to it that goes women, ethnic minorities and the poor working classes though.


It astounds me that a public school educated commodity trader manages to present himself as the bloke you’d like to have a pint with down the pub. He’s no less the child of privilege than Cameron, Clegg et al.

I love that the Guardian (and, I think) Telegraph (or at least Tom Chivers) writes Ukip instead of UKIP, which really winds up the kippers (who are, by and large, middle class people who can’t bring themselves to vote BNP).

Personally, I love having the freedom to live, work and travel all over Europe and the US. I consider myself a citizen of the world :smile:


As do I. But in the last 40 years I have never once seen a party I voted for win an election (candidates yes, government no).

Right now the Cdn. Con party have the advantage of being the only right wing party facing off against a range of center right to center left parties. The Con base (about all the support they currently enjoy) is incapable of leaving them - at most they will just stay home. Most of the rest of us are divided between Lib, NDP, Green and BQ. By each voting our preferred parties, in a First Past the Post system, the Cons will win many seats with about 30% of the vote. Here in BC is it particularly egregious, when many people vote Liberal ‘to oppose the Conservatives’ when the NDP are the only significant opposition in many ridings. Elsewhere it is the opposite.

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I had the misfortune to have this person run for the city council in the ward where I live.

She came second last four years ago.

Could be worse. We had to put up with this turd.

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Can’t wait for the British to vote themselves out of the EU.

The UK got more exceptions to the rules / regulations / contributions (one example: than any other country in the EU. For decades different UK governments blocked important decisions to reform the EU out of fear for their sovereignty all the while licking the boots of the USA. Now the Ukip (and other UK politicians before them) decry the EU administration and decision making process as flawed, inefficient and slow - but it was their blockade attitude (among other things) that got us to this point by hindering or diluting every important reform.

The UK is a nation sitting on the fence, cherry picking only the benefits of the EU and blockading everything else. The EU doesn’t need the UK but the UK needs the EU. Good riddance - we’ll see how the UK fares as isolated country.


Please do not include me with the xenophobes, it’s not like I have much choice about being here (I’m on long term disability benefits.)

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It’s too simple to brand UKIP a racist party. Britain already have one of those, the BNP, and they never really got going. As far as I can see, UKIP has stumbled upon the extremely effective special sauce that has driven Norway’s Progress Party from obscurity into a coalition government.
What UKIP and PP has in common is that oh no, they’re not racist at all - look we even have brown people in leading positions! Their trick is how they seem to attract, and permit every hate-filled weirdo in the country so that they become an algamation of various dark fringe issues. Yet they are professional enough to maintain a relatively clean surface. Relative to the BNP anyway.
And the various loose cannons who embarrass themselves on Twitter aren’t really mishaps at all, but each a source of a few thousand more voters. Hate gays? Hate blacks? Hate gypsies? Hate environmentalists? As our official line tells you we do not endorse any of those views of course, but still, we have at least one candidate that is just right for you.


and the establishment closes ranks to try and get the same people as always in power, the key words here are

local elections

That means some nobody has made a comment, that would normally be totally ignored. One of my local Labour Councillors once tried to cave my skull in with a fence post while he was off his head on cocaine, will we be seeing a story in every paper, a article on Boing Boing? I don’t think so, Murdoch doesn’t will it.

Speaking as an anarchist, I have to say that the establishment are preferable to Ukip.

Not desirable, but preferable.

On the other hand, we may finally have The Revolution if Ukip form a government.

Give me some time to think about this.


Well I know it. The real problem in the last election was the NDP coming on strong under a popular leader, even in QuĂ©bec - that hadn’t happened before. It used to be that the Liberals could take a comfortable number of seats even with the NDP splitting off some of their vote. The NDP support isn’t really deep enough (at least not yet) that they can manage the same feat, hence the Tory majority. It remains to be seen whether they can keep their momentum without Layton. I suspect maybe not.

That being the case, I hope that young Trudeau has some of his dad’s pizzazz. I also wish that some true Tories would take back their party. I could live very easily with Tories like Joe Clark and Bob Stanfield. These “Neo-liberals” (or “Neo-conservatives”, take your pick) in charge are neither liberal nor conservative - they’re just f***king corporatists, like Mulroney only much more so, and they’re bad for our democracy.


Boiling to death in acid is preferable to the Ukip.


You know who else complained about being smeared by the liberal press?

Anyone who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning and does not see
himself slandered in it has not made profitable use of the previous day;
for if he had, he would be persecuted, reviled, slandered, abused}
befouled. And only the man who combats this mortal enemy of our nation
and of all Aryan humanity and culture most effectively may expect to see
the slanders of this race and the struggle of this people directed
against him.
-Mein Kampf

I suspect that it’s largely a matter of scale: the majority of human history (and to this day, most of our actually reasonably close social interaction, rather than market relations and the like) involved fairly small groups, often with a fair slice of family.

I’d venture that, in the case of all but the most cold-bloodedly consistent or just-plain-scary, even active campaigners against the parasitic cripples and inferiors would behave differently if the case involved a family member, even an extended one, or the like.

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You know who else had a moustache? You know who else wore a hat? You know who else was a catholic?
A thousand times Godwin!

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I don’t think Hitler was complaining about being attacked in the jewish press. I think he regarded it as a badge of honor-- a day well spent.

Normally I’d urge readers to read the passage again and in context, but he’s probably among my least favorite authors.

The BBC are theoretically obliged to be politically neutral. But both in their bias in favour of UKIP over the Greens, and in coverage of the Scottish independence referendum (e.g. they are still members of the CBI which openly declared support for No), they fall embarrassingly short of this standard.


Be careful what you wish for