Umami tsunami: dry-aging a steak with only MSG

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What’s a little migraine compared to a rocket sled to Flavortown?” –
Please don’t perpetuate Chinese restaurant syndrome:


That’s enough MSG for me to (literally) painfully hallucinate for a day or two. Hard pass.

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Yeah i have thoughts about a racist food myth being used as a punchline…


The video says “Don’t try this at home.” Why not? Is it unhealthy? I know that we have been told to avoid MSG, but honestly have no idea why, etc.

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I think botulism can be a risk if you don’t age meat properly. It’s rare but they are just covering their arses.


Was it rump steak?


I just hope it wasn’t Trump steak.


I enjoy MSG almost every day, and almost every day I get a mild vascular headache in the back right part of my head after. Maybe they are not connected, but they seem to be. I also seem to get a headache from wine with a lot of sulfites and from cheap vodka. I imagine I have WAY more sodium than recommended.

The “Test Track” at Holloman AFB New Mexico is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Ten miles of railroad track as straight and level as it’s possible to make it, down which they shoot things (including people) to see what happens. Been doing it since the 50s.

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MSG at that dose is a bit toxic, even if you have no particular sensitivity to it. A large part of the problem, is that glutamates freely cross the blood/brain barrier in general; you’re basically slathering your brain in “umami” =x.

There’s a good chance that even relatively resistant people would experience nasty migraines, for example, AKA “Chinese restaurant syndrome”.

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MSG is in a lot of foods. It’s one of the reasons Parmesan cheese is sooo good. Anyone who claims sensitivity should check out this list. If these don’t trigger a problem, then you may have a sensitivity, but not to MSG.


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