Originally published at: Unassuming home features bizarre theme room with no obvious purpose | Boing Boing
Wall-to-wall carpets, walls included, plus ceiling? Gross, but I’m sure my cats would love it
Holodeck server crash
The cave room isn’t the sex room; too difficult to clean.
The hot tub and sauna room is the sex room.
7 bedrooms, 8.5+ baths … $630,000
What kind of sadist posts that on a site full of Californians, New Yorkers, and other forever-renters?
I don’t think I’d call an 11,000 square foot home with a courtyard unassuming.
I’ve seen basements in houses built over solid rock that look like this without all the carpeting and recessed lighting. I think the owner maybe thought, “WTF am I supposed to do with this?” and decided to throw carpeting down over all of it.
Looking through all the photos, there are so many useless (upstairs walkway that could be eliminated simply by putting stairs at the other end of the living room), or ugly (black toilet!) things here.
Especially with all the weeding it looks like they’re in for with those brick pavers.
ETA: What a pitiful looking master bedroom.
I was thinking that maybe a teenager living there threw an epic party one night when the parents were out, then swept all evidence of it under the rug.
It looks like a Doom level map.
Can’t find a baby sitter, just huck the tots in the cave with some snacks!
Won’t lie, I would have loved that as a kid
Looks like caves from Doom or Quake 2.
Have you looked under the carpet?
I would be scared to look.
My Uncle had a room like that. It was either pay extra for blasting or have a weird cave room in your basement. As kids, we would play Star Trek down there. The wall-to-wall carpeting is a bit of an odd choice though.
Depends on what excites all users. Cave room looks to have been fairly sound-proofed.
“Cat o’ Nine Tails this time?”
“Bless you!”
I see what you did there
I mean, it’s very obviously a koan room, for meditation. You stand in it and repeat, “Why is this room?” and let the cares of the day just — wash off.