Uncovering sexual preferences by data-mining sex-toy sales [NSFW]

This isn’t a sex toy story, but it’s somewhat related. This afternoon I got to see our neighbours’ house for the first time - they’re a nice older couple that we get on very well with, and they had some firewood for us from a tree in their back garden that came down last year. As I was walking through the conservatory to their garden, I couldn’t help noticing that there were a couple of what looked like female mannequins in two of the corners. Like mannequins, just a lot more… anatomically correct. Not too odd, maybe they’re into art or something. The I noticed that the walls also had plaques all over them, like the kind you might use to mount antlers or something. Except these had breasts and vulvas. Basically the whole room was decorated along those lines. I was with my son at the time - he didn’t seem to notice, and they didn’t comment or give the impression that they thought it was somehow different from the other parts of their house. No judgement or anything, it’s just interesting the things you find about people.


Like smearing vegemite round the mouthpiece of their reg, pouring powdered food dye into their boots or filling their BCD pockets with bread so they get mobbed by reef fish?

Nooo. I dive safe, me. Honest.


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