Undercover reporter spent four months as a prison guard in a Louisiana pen run by CCA

As I said before:

“You can judge a society by how well it treats its prisoners”

  • Dostoyevsky

The conservative hypocrisy in supporting this kind of institution is worse with the article mentioning the deaths of unborn babies because the staff ignores pregnant inmates saying they need medical attention and that they’re bleeding excessively. Apparently all fetuses are sacred, even the ones growing inside of poor people, but not the ones growing inside of prisoners.


Except in this analogy, the prison corporations are the snake population that keeps growing.


Dear FSM!!!

If only the (once again) inevitable Hilary Clinton gave a damn about fixing this mess…

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i think the next step will be allowing others to serve YOUR time, for payment…the new employment for the poor !


Oh, you had to do the double-dog dare, didn’t you.


That kind of money has to come from somewhere. It came out of that guy’s legs, and all the other lives messed up by CCA. That’s pitchfork material right there.

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Right, just like standing in line for somebody, what’s the big deal? /s


“Just sounds nasty”
“Snake farm: pretty much is”
–Ray Wiley Hubbard

Don’t worry, this problem is being addressed… with better background checks for future guard hires.


We seem to be racing towards that particular slippery slope at a pretty good clip.

Whether to accept organs from prisoners has long been a thorny issue. Ethics experts say it pits questions of coercion of a vulnerable population against the desperate need for organs in a country where nearly 118,000 people are waiting for hearts, kidneys, livers and other life-saving transplants…

Gladys has been granted parole on the condition that she give one of her kidneys to Jamie within a year. Receiving payment in exchange for organs is illegal in the US. But is there a relevant moral difference between trading one of your kidneys for money, and trading it for your freedom?


One tiny little facet of this story is kind of telling: Even after the story breaks, the CCA tries to remind the reporter that he signed a contract, that there are things he’s not supposed to disclose, because he signed that paper. As if any lawsuit they brought against the reporter would ever have a chance. I kind of get the impression that these are people used to being on the dominant end of any agreement, whether it’s with prisoners or employees. It’s a dangerous mindset to get into.


Why? They’ve got the government wrapped around their little finger, with promises of minimum populations and basically free reign to kill as many people as can fit behind their bars.


Dangerous to your star fleet, commander, not to this battle station!


The Democratic primary was a fucking tragedy.

This sort of heinous atrocity will be allowed encouraged to run amok for another fuck knows how long, as a consequence.

The filth needs Berning.

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