Unusual car crash in Atlanta

Yup, no more flip flop driving for me. Funny how many things I used to know, then unlearned and had to relearn unpleasantly.


Love the name of the chiropractor :joy:



The little wubba-wubba-wubba hubcap rolling back into view is almost too perfect.


Looking at Street View, this doesn’t seem that unlikely. The parking lot the driver entered from is the roof of the crash site in the 2nd shot. There is only a chain link fence on the edge.(https://www.google.com/maps/@33.7797783,-84.4119258,3a,63.8y,200.03h,76.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQR7LhH_kCpJmNbc2qLoA3A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656).

Ignition key and parking brake are your friends.

Portals … somebody was playing with portals.


Some of the debris should have been on fire.

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The more I look at it, the more it looks like the weird glitchy physics in GTA or something like that.


As a pretty good driver with both stick and automatic, I don’t know if I would have the presence of mind to do this in the 5-seconds between realizing that my car was starting to careen forward uncontrollably and the crash, particularly while trying to unjam my foot (what my brain would think of as the first priority) and steer the car.


Back in '94 I had the carburetor in my '83 Chevy Citation rebuilt, and they left a vacuum hose dangling from the air filter where it eventually wedged between the throttle body and the throttle cable. One day I was driving north on San Pedro just north of Lomas in Albuquerque, and I depressed the gas pedal to accelerate; when I took my foot off the gas, the pedal didn’t come back up, and in fact, the car kept accelerating, switching to higher gears as it went.

I was terrified! I thought I was going to die. Luckily, I remembered The HHGTG, and instead of panicking, I switched off the ignition and coasted into a parking lot, where I popped the hood, figure out what went wrong, plugged in the vacuum hose and went on my way.


I can understand panicking, but it literally takes one or two seconds to flip the gear lever. It needs practice however, as many people would never even think of doing this.

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Officer looks bored and continues to write up public indecency citation.



(Totally off topic, but, nonetheless…)

The default “new tab” page in Firefox displays a selection of tiles, which are links to web sites you might be interested in, or have visited before. I opened up a new page one day and got this:

@anon61221983, I salute you.


GUY WITH MOP: “Oh man, I just swept that driveway.”


air-bags are not that good

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Nobody puts baby in the corner.

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Yeah, I have done stupid things under the influence of adrenaline panic. Like trying to snuff out a burning nylon jacket with a pile of newspapers. Which actually worked, but if it hadn’t it would have made everything MUCH worse. I find that when you panic, you think very quickly but poorly. Which is why they put so much emphasis on making fire exits easy to see and use.
It is especially difficult to think up solutions that are NOT part of the normal operation of the car. I have to say, I don’t think I’d think to take the key out of the ignition or put the car into neutral, even if I might be looking for the softest thing to crash into.


I get this, but panic is a powerful thing. It’s hard to think in a situation like that.


Also flip flops are terrible for your feet. http://www.businessinsider.com/podiatrist-explains-flip-flops-terrible-feet-jackie-sutera-plantar-fasciitis-bunions-2017-5

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