(UPDATE: Yep they reversed this too) Trump reverses vow to take #MuslimBan to U.S. Supreme Court

The whole point of all this is that it distracts the media and the people from the other shit he’s pulling. You know, like handing the US education system over to for-profit companies, handing your health over to mega-corps, granting monopolies to agricultural conglomerates, etc. etc.

Just a side thought; if Trump were not the president, he wouldn’t qualify for a security clearance to handle the sort of information that’s routinely presented to him. Makes youi feel secure, doesn’t it?


There are more than enough thoroughly ticked off and Woke Americans to take on Medicare “reform,” ACA repeal, and DeVos’s corruption and incompetence, and still have folks to protest #MuslimBan.

And we can individually multitask.


Can we rethink this do-over? I’d like to roll things back to early November, not last week.


What time (Eastern time) did this tweet happen. Because sunset today, Friday, was at 6 pm in D.C. So i wonder whether the reversal happened when Jared and Ivanka left.


To all self-proclaimed “journalists” who do this lazy-ass nonsense of stacking up tweets on their web pages. If I wanted to read the opinions of slack-brained clods on Twitter I would go to Twitter. Is it some kind of scam? Does clicking the scroll bar enough times to FINALLY move down past the Twitter spew somehow drive up the site’s hit count? If you are a professional journalist, your job is to discover things and to report them, not to parrot noise. Do your damn job. If you are not a professional journalist, quit trying to pretend that cutting and pasting a bunch of other peoples’ uninformed opinions makes you one. It makes you a talentless hack.


It is kind of convenient that now he can be all outraged at the loser judges for overturning his awesome muslim ban.

He gets to tick the box for that promise and deliver nothing.

The wall? Stupid loser Mexico won’t even pay for it. He did what he could. Tick.

Back to watching TV in his bathrobe.

Kind of sounds like his MO.


Trump doesn’t want to go to the Supreme Court because they’re only playing with 8 judges. Unfair! :passport_control:

Your frustration is misplaced, fellow mutant. If you’re here for the journalism, I’ll remind you that this site refers to itself as “zine, blog and directory of wonderful things.” I know the lines of journalism have blurred lately, but if you want journalism, read another site, or at least try some of the ones that are linked from here.


He’ll never make it as a fascist dictator with that kind of indecisiveness.





Remember how Donald kept saying how he would win the Trump University case, then quietly settled the case?

It’s deja vu all over again.


“SEE YOU IN COURT”? Buddy, we took you to court, and won, in a bunch of different districts. And you appealed the 9th Circuit’s TRO and lost there too. And the current tantrum you’re throwing by sending La Migra after anybody vaguely foreign-looking isn’t making you less of a loser.

But this isn’t ready to go to the Supreme Court - the appeal wasn’t on the merits of the case itself, but only a procedural thing, trying to overturn the Temporary Restraining Order that the court issued to get the Customs and Border thugs to stop harassing people with valid papers while the real case gets addressed. Even so, the Appeals Court spanked Trump pretty hard, explaining N different ways that his position is defective and has no reasonable expectation of winning (so no justification for overturning the TRO) plus explaining that his lawyers didn’t present even a vaguely plausible argument that The Country Would Be Harmed by allowing people legally allowed to come to the US to come to the US.


Even if the new justice toes trumps line, it would likely still be a 7-2 defeat for trump.

That’s just a poor excuse for an executive order.


But why would SCOTUS actually grant the appeal in the first place? Trump doesn’t get to decide which cases they hear.


Didn’t you hear Sean Spicer? Trump does not wear bathrobes and in fact has never even owned one.

Who are you going to believe? Him or your lying eyes?


He seriously has his right hand in the remote control holding position right there in that photo.

I’ll see your Trump-University-settlement-flip-flop and raise you an I-have-a-new-health-insurance-scheme-all-worked-out-and-we’re-going-to-repeal-and-replace-in-one-day.

And there goes my hyphen allotment for the month.


What’s President Bannon and his pathetic puppet gone and done now?

Trump will appeal to the Supreme Court
Trump won’t appeal to the Supreme Court

Why can’t he do both?