Upside-down gowns featured on the runway

Originally published at: Upside-down gowns featured on the runway | Boing Boing

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It’s a given that there’s no hope to understanding how these costly orchestrated displays end up making money for anyone; but just look at the apparently rapt audience at these things. Do they have no where else to be? Do they gain group status points by just being there? What remarkably silly rich people are paying people to attend such pointless freak-shows? …not to be judgemental or anything. Perhaps replace the undernourished human manikins with boston dynamics crushinators

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It is my understanding that these are not meant to be displays of fashion one would ever actually wear, but rather a designers art showcase. Like a living, moving, version of a painter’s latest gallery exhibit.
That being said the crowds tend to lean more towards the elite consumerati, and no doubt many of them are there for status.

I gotta say though, this execution was impressive. Especially the one near the end that appears as if the gown is floating a few feet in front of the model.


The pressure to create something new, in fashion and academia leads to a lot of strangeness.


Or like those concept cars you see at auto shows that everyone knows would never be practical in real life. (Well, everyone except you-know-who with the low-polygon truck named after a Transformer.)


The construction and engineering of those gowns is amazing; the designer and whoever sewed the garments are showing off their skills.

Lots of runway fashion isn’t meant to be worn by real people. It is a statement. It is to get attention and raise the profile of the brand. In this case it has clearly succeeded. They won’t sell any of those gowns, but they will probably see an increase in their sales of “ready to wear” items because of those gowns.


Stolen Joke, don’t remember source:

This new Bethesda game looks great, very few bugs at all! :smiley:


I’ve gotten beyond my confusion by recognizing these are just “art shows,” not really fashion shows. The artist is paid for a mobile creation carried by models of some kind, there’s no real intent to sell clothing here EDIT: I should say there is intent to generate brand interest and sell other clothes, perhaps, but these shows themselves are not what’s being sold.

Because yeah, I find most of this sort of thing not really my cup of tea. But for folks who do, more power to them.


That’s when you know you’re beyond rich. You send someone to the fashion shows to recommend what you should wear. Who actually “needs” a consumeratti?

This may be the fashion show where the runway models run away.

The gowns themselves seem attractive and straight forward enough. Is it possible that there was an intent to present the gowns as actual fashion wear… but to present them in this unusual way just to create whatever effect was intended?

Or, alternatively, a magazine sends a reporter to the show, and the cost of coverage is split amongst 1.2 million subscribers.

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This isn’t the first “outfit based on a videogame glitch” I’ve seen, but it’s among the more technically impressive.

Also, not calling them “upside-gowns” seems to be missing a trick.

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