Urine-drinking anti-vaxxer was denied dinner with Trumps after paying $11,000


Uh… if he had only added White Nationalist to his header he would have been in.


Bill and Hilary were famous for renting the Lincoln bedroom.

Drinking your own piss is probably better than drinking other people’s.

No doubt there’s a market for that, too, of course.


I believe there’s probably a whole section in Pornhub devoted to it, if that counts.


Dude needs to piss off.

/grabs coat, scarpers


Edmund: Enter. [Baldrick and Percy come in, carrying bottles. Edmund sits up and we see he that his face is tired and drawn] So soon?

Percy: You said today. [They set the bottles on the table]

Edmund: Yes, well, I’m not feeling very thirsty at the moment. I had an egg-cup full of stagnant water three weeks ago… Oh all right, come on, let’s get on with it. [He stands up]

Baldrick: Should we drink each other’s or stick to our own?

Edmund: Is Captain Rum joining us for this bring-a-sample party, or is he going to sit this one out?

Percy: Oh no, he’s been swigging his for ages. He says he likes it. Actually, come to think of it, he started before the water ran out.


Proves that you shouldn’t impulse-buy when you’re pissed.
Oh, is that my coat?


I dimly remember reading a medical take on drinking urine and the short of it was that drinking your own piss is not bad for you (as long as you’re also drinking plenty of water to dilute it), and as long as it’s your own, you can’t catch any diseases from it (that you didn’t already have).


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