US intel caught Trump team talking with Russians in 2015, before presidential campaign began

Lying in your security clearance form is illegal. Just about every member of the Trump administration has committed this violation about meeting with the Russians.

That brings you to RICO. Did they collaborate?


Is there a chart that shows the connections between the Russians and Wikileaks?

Seriously- testifying at the same public hearing is hardly the same as having private meetings with adversarial countries to undermine your own government.


Excepting that Juniors email specifically states the Russian government supporting Trump. You don’t need to show any money to have proved conspiracy when you self incriminate on the charge.

Attempted robbery is still a crime


Yeah, but Wikileaks is in the business of making themselves appear perfect. It’s part of the problem with some of the group claiming the stories of collusion with Russia or with Russia’s government trying to influence the election were just McCathyite - most of the argument was based on Wikileak’s track record and buying into their self-professed bias against all overreaches of government power. It’s been a road to ruin since with Wikileaks only getting more aggressively biased in favor of right-wing populists.

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Man, I think I’ve seen that movie before.

And in another movie, as Sam Gerard said in The Fugitive ('93) “Cosmo, this guy’s dirty”


If Clinton’s connection to the Russians is supposed to be through the Clinton Foundation and the Victo Pinchuk Foundation, then Trump is implicated on an almost identical route


Very likely, and that’s one reason why I voted for neither of them.

Well look, who wouldn’t send out feelers on the viability of such an endeavor?

Ah, WikiLeaks. Always a trusted source of unbiased information. cough cough


And the information gleaned from those conversations was of such critical importance to our national security that the Obama administration did what again???

(Proposition: If the NSA/CIA/etc have transcripts of U.S. citizens having conversations with foreign powers that damage the national security they do something about it. Nothing at the time was done about it, therefore the conversations were not damaging to our national security.)

Sounds like more filling for the nothingburger that the Democrat Media complex are trying to make out of all this…

I don’t know. I think everyone forgets just how long watergate actually played out for. it did take a couple of years for all the pieces to fall into place and for Nixon to actually resign.


I believe that might have been Nixon’s line right up until he resigned, actually.


I’m sure they believe he was a real American hero.

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It doesn’t really matter if it was Russians, Israelis, Chinese, Canadians, or Vulgarians; colluding with a foreign government to affect the results of a US election is illegal. Doing it in your own favor is even more so, as it also breaks federal election laws on the part of the candidate’s campaign.


Anyone who was aware, even vaguely, of the law? I’d need to do some checking, but I think it is even legally required to report it if one was solicited.

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Conspiracy is a crime.


Or cared to be aware of the law.
I’m saying that if I needed Russia’s help to be Prez. I would want to make sure I had it.

It’s not a compliment.

If I believed Joseph McCarthy was a hero, why would I be using “McCarthyist” as an insult?

Hm. Fair point.

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No. It depends on what form that assistance takes. I’m not a lawyer, but I would guess that some forms of assistance (lawfully obtained information about another candidate?) are not illegal, or even immoral. If there was clear evidence that the assistance took an unlawful form, we would be having a different conversation. As I said, I dearly hope that such evidence does come to light, but wishing for it doesn’t make it true (yet).

If we accept lowered standards of evidence for accusations of criminal political treachery, because it is convenient to do so, it’s only a matter of time before the right turn those reduced standards on us. Liberals and the left have to be better than that, if only for our own sake.