US intel caught Trump team talking with Russians in 2015, before presidential campaign began

As others have pointed out, there’s nothing remotely illegal about an independent businessman talking to people in Russia connected to the government. That could describe any of Trump’s conversations with various oligarchs – conversations we already knew about, thanks to Eric Trump. So there’s no reason that Obama would interfere.

So why is this a story now? Because in 2017, we now know, factually, that our President was elected with aid from Russia, and that many members of his administration have deep ties to the Russian government; several have been forced to resign because of it. So knowing how deeply President Trump himself is in bed with the Russians, and for how long, is of far more interest now than it was in 2015.


TrumpBot alert.


OMG - do I sound that old?


Well, I think it’s truer of people who didn’t live through watergate (myself included). I think that we often forget that many thing sin history unfolded over a long time (like the end of the Cold War or Watergate or whatever).


‘Turned up to eleven’ describes the ridiculousness of this fucked-up scenario, and not @Menotyou’s description of it.


If you’re not a lawyer, what makes you think that? Now I’m not a lawyer either, but I’ve seen the relevant statute, and it seems pretty clear to me that accepting assistance from foreign nationals is illegal, no matter what the form of assistance. The law in question is this: 11 CFR § 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510). | Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute and the relevant paragraph is this:

A foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or expressly or impliedly promise to make a contribution or a donation, in connection with any Federal, State, or local election.

The “other thing of value” has been stated by legal experts to cover services, including opponent research. Basically, you can’t use any resources or help from foreign nationals to run your campaign. The assistance Russians were offering here – “incriminating information about Hillary Clinton” – would absolutely have been unlawful, and I really, really don’t think there was any they might have offered that wouldn’t have triggered the law.

If the Russians had been honestly offering some important, lawfully obtained information about Clinton’s hypothetical crimes, it would still have been crime for the Trump campaign to get it from them. The legal & honest thing for the Trump campaign to do, when contacted by Goldstone saying Russians wanted to help Trump, would have been to immediately contact FBI and tell them everything. They didn’t, they jumped at the opportunity to get something hot to use against Clinton, and never showed any sign of caring about where the info was coming, how the Russians had got it, or what motivations they had for offering it.


What evidence would it take to convince you that there was collusion? I mean, Jr.'s email had pretty much everything one could ask for except for the explicit phrase “We are so happy to have the opportunity to knowingly collude with the Russian government on helping my dad win this election.”


You’re potentially spoiling a lot of people’s fun here.

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I was literally being born while Nixon was giving his resignation speech; does that count as me living through Watergate? I think I just missed it.


It’s weirdly a part of your memory, it seems, but only because of the condition of your birth. I’m sure it’s stuck in your parents head, though.

No, it’s okay, because Jared went back and amended his statement to include a shitload of contacts he had “forgotten about.” (Kind of like how Sessions amended his comments to avoid perjury?) Of course, this is the same Jared who proposed a secret, not-able-to-be-monitored-by-US-intelligence communications channel with the Russians.

How does Jared Kushner still have his top-level security clearance?!

Will any crimes committed by these people be punished? Or even acknowledged?

Are there really no Republicans who will object?


There are Republicans who will object- just enough to be on the record as
objecting, but without actually doing anything about it.




and Vesna Goldsworthy sounds as if she has no sense of humor

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Perhaps I should have used Vogons?

(Note: responding 42 minutes after your post…)


If that’s the law, and if your interpretation is correct that information (however obtained) constitutes assistance, then its hard to see how, in the age of the Internet, a candidate could avoid breaking it.

That isn’t a very compelling argument.

I imagine one could, in the age of the internet, delete the email with the offer of illegal assistance from a foreign national; or better yet, forward it to the FBI. Much the way that everyone on this BBS does on a regular basis to emails from Nigerian princes and Treasury Department/IRS enforcement warnings.


In my defense, I was referring to the stuff in the article. I was evidently a day behind hearing about Trump Jr dumping an email.

And you don’t have to convince ME of collusion you need to convince the people who are able to do something about it to act on it in a legal manner.

I think that’s everyone’s interpretation of it. Campaigns pay money for opposition research. It is a thing of value. If a foreign national provides you with opposition research, she or he has provided you with something of value.


Summarized the entire thing. Thanks.

To me, all this back and forth, smoke but no actual proof of tangible wrongdoing… it’s like one of those boxing matches that goes on round after round, the guys are basically dancing around each other, throwing a punch here, punch there, never really landing anything DING, next round, same boring dancing around squirrel fight that comes down to a split decision because they have to lift one guy’s arm at the end of it. Whenever that is. I hate those kind of fights, and this political battle is the same exact thing. It’s friggin boring, annoying, childish and time-wasting. I hate it. All of it, on both sides. The country is being held hostage to all this stupid nonsense and there is no good way to resolve it.