Using the science of group conflict to understand Trump's campaign

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Can’t you just as easily apply those same five beliefs to modern feminism?

See? Even some of you people admit that Trump is brilliant!*


  • Trump 2016!

One of my friends linked me this earlier this morning: How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind |

It gives a rather stark overview of all of the points, from the perspective of the Trump supporters.


I felt all five of those during the Bush years. Didn’t make me take up arms.


I hate that title. It implies too much that Trump thought it up himself, instead of the truth of the matter. He is merely completely the quest begun back in the 80’s with the rise of right-wing shock jocks like Rush Limbaugh, who uses all the same methods to separate his ditto heads from reality. It has spread deeper and deeper into the GOP, then morphed into the FOX News media circus that bolstered the message of those politicians who used it. There’s now a massively symbiotic relationship between right-wing media and politicians helping to reinforce these five points.


Because Trump supporters have a long and well-documented history of being systematically abused without any legal recourse?


This election won’t end well.


Sounds about how Bernie Bros felt when Debbie Wasserman-Shultz stole the DFL nomination for Hillary.

Could we erase Florida from the earth already?


No, no you can’t. Unless you’re talking about a straw-man version of feminism.
Not part of feminism:
“Confidence in one’s superiority” (I’m not even sure what the claim is here - who one is supposed to feel superior to in feminism?)
“Distrust of the other” (Women, feminist or not, may have reason to distrust men, but it’s not part of feminism itself, an ideology of equality.)
“A sense of helplessness” (Again, while particular women and men, feminist or not, may feel helpless, it’s not part of feminism.)

On the other hand, “Claims of unjust treatment” against women are factually verifiable, not just a feeling. “Fears of vulnerability” are learned from historical treatment of women, and are again verifiable. These are just feelings without basis in the usages described in the article.


That’s an eye-opening article. I can’t say I disagree with much of it, although that doesn’t justify voting Trump (who won’t address any real problems rural communities face.) Certainly I agree that manufacturing jobs need to be brought back to rural America if you want to quell the anger and hopelessness that festers outside the cities.


Pretty much exactly my thoughts as well. It doesn’t excuse voting for a fascist, but it does give insight as to why someone that isn’t a full-on Neo-Nazi themselves would find it acceptable to do so.

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Bugs has been trying for years…

Also, Cuba was accused of trying to do that in the 60s and everyone got pissed… (too soon?).


What a great, great article. Thank you for the link.

I despise Trump, but I do not despise his supporters, and this article says it better than I think I ever have.


That article did explain a lot to me that I’d not really understood before. Or rather pointed something out about the city/countryside dynamic in the US that I’d not really considered.
(It’s not as polarised here in the UK, but it’s still there).


[quote=“Shuck, post:10, topic:87365”]No, no you can’t. Unless you’re talking about a straw-man version of feminism.
[/quote]Um, doesn’t this kinda scream No True Scotsman?

Would you actually feel confident in saying to someone, “You call yourself a feminist, but I know what feminism is, and you are not a feminist?”

[quote]“Confidence in one’s superiority” (I’m not even sure what the claim is here - who one is supposed to feel superior to in feminism?)[/quote]Unenlightened heathen non-feminists, surely?

Not on item 1. Modern feminists are generally about equality, not superiority.


I just … can’t with this post. Unless you are being a smart-ass, and then, nope. Still can’t.


I read that the other day, and it’s worth reviewing. The outcome of all that well-described anger and frustration really comes down to the spite vote, which Mark Ames wrote about back in a 2004 NYPress article: people deciding that if they’re going to be miserable then everyone else should be, too. Whatever legitimate grievances that the people left behind by neoliberalism and culture have, voting for Mango Unchained is still a childish and petulant and self-destructive response.