Utah cop executes unarmed man who was listening to headphones, gets away with it

While we’re wishing for things… Can I have a unicorn?

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But your comment that good cops don’t exist just proves my point. You only hear about the bad ones, so now you assume all cops are bad.

You make it sound like all cops are racist murderers, that we should assume the worst of them.

But it’s precisely this type of thinking that makes cops assume all black people are armed and dangerous. And this is the result.

Don’t you see what’s happening here?


Please point out the GOOD COPS who are helping to out the bad cops and are not absolutely complacent?
Bonus points if their efforts don’t get them fired, don’t get them killed or almost killed, and super bonus points if their efforts actually change anything.

Perhaps individual cops are not the issue, but they are part of the society of cops, and that society is absolutely corrupt. There are probably lots of good hells angels too… But gul’durnit they just get lumped in with all the bad ones.

Edit: Yes a LEO can be a ‘good person’ but if they arn’t going to see something AND SAY SOMETHING… well the terrorists win right?


Just the murderous ones.

ETA : my sister is a cop, in the UK. I’ve tried to have conversations with her about inicidents like this, and for the sake of ever talking to her again I’m generally just going to leave it.

I don’t have any illusions about what most cop work is (if she’s representative, dealing with the result of domestic violence and road traffic accidents, mostly - not a job I’d be cut out for), and I’m sure she’s a ‘good cop’, but the conversation rapidly veered into nasty phrases like ‘playing the race card’. There’s definitely a siege mentality going on.


Unfair equivalency. Unlike black people, all cops in the U.S. ARE armed and (potentially) dangerous.


They ought to have tried. But the only medical assistance that might possibly have helped at that point is a full surgical trauma team pouncing and cracking open his chest to (try and) repair the damage. They’d need a shit load of blood products thawed and ready to go too … I see a lot of sick people and he had “dead” written all over him very soon after he dropped.

I didn’t see anything in the video that justified the shooting … :anguished:


“Man doesn’t murder someone” hardly makes news. I manage to go EVERY DAY without murdering someone. Imagine that.

So tell me, where are the good cops who fought against allowing child rapists to be cops: http://filmingcops.com/more-than-a-dozen-cops-charged-with-rape-of-children-and-child-pornography-still-working-on-force/

Do they exist? Where are they?

Where are the good cops who have stood up against the right for cops to try to murder infants if they feel like it? http://thefreethoughtproject.com/infant-responsible-grenade-thrown-face/

Where are the good cops who have argued that the children of police shouldn’t be able to murder with impunity? http://thefreethoughtproject.com/university-delaware-student-kills-kid-party-cop-parents-cover/

Why is it that “good cops” like this one lose their job? How a Rookie Exposed a Ring Inside DPD - D Magazine

Why is it that “good cops” like this, who fight against police brutality, lose their jobs? http://www.wkbw.com/news/fired-buffalo-cop-id-do-it-again

There’s no such thing as a good cop - if a cop tries to be good, they’re forced out of being a cop.


I’m just going to leave this here. It should be Boing Boing’s new Tagline.

Nail…meet hammer!

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I’m just going to leave this quote without context here… I LOVE FRAMING!


When I ask for proof of a SINGLE cop being against child rapist police officers, you’re unable to provide one. What does that say about them, and more importantly, what does that say about YOU?

Come on, you can’t provide a link to at least one “BLUE LIVES MATTER” asshole saying raping children is wrong?


Why, yes, yes she is, but…

A family member of mine had worked with some police, and they were making a big deal of their program “POP” - Problem-Oriented Policing. They were trying to promote an aggressive campaign that involved ignoring everything that goes well, and focusing entirely upon problems. This is what increases police profile, budgets, and proves that they are doing their jobs. If a predominantly negative attitude is good enough for motivating police departments, why is it unfair to use such an outlook in critiquing them?

Except that I don’t need to assume that police are armed and dangerous. It is overwhelmingly visible. You can even ask them, FFS! The difference is that of accountability. Not only are police more armed and willing to use lethal force than anybody else, they are (not really, but) ostensibly doing this in service of the public. If you serve and protect masses of people, they are your bosses, not your targets.


The difference being that if you read my original comment and yours, it’s pretty clear who’s deliberately attempting to mislead.

Let me ask you a question: do you think there are any good cops?

Whatever happened to pepper spray and tasers?

Why was the gun drawn first, shouldn’t it be the last resort after the non-lethal options?


One of the many downsides of living in a nation where any psycho can get their hands on a gun is that police are allowed to operate under the assumption that everyone is a psycho who has a gun.


Do you plan on providing any evidence for your assertions, or answer questions posed to you upthread, or do you intend to just ignore facts while acting pissy and demand others answer questions while you refuse to answer those posed at you?

You believe that good cops exist? Great - prove it. Where are the cops working to stop all those things I mentioned above? Just ONE would prove me wrong, make my apologize, and shut me up. Just one.

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What assertions?

Nope. I think you know these are an incredibly exceptional and specific set of parameters you’ve asked me to respond to, and know that it’s too time consuming to spend that much time on (mainly because I don’t know the credibility of you or those sites you listed).

Instead I’ll just list a few random examples of the kinds of good cops you think don’t exist (also from random websites whose credibility can’t be confirmed):

Basically, I can sit all day on Google and find examples of good cops just as you can sit all day on Google and find examples of bad cops. So I’m not going to play that game from now on.

To be clear, I’m not disagreeing that the examples you’ve provided are most certainly bad cops. I just want to you to be clear that just because there are a number of bad cops, it doesn’t mean that all cops are bad.

Hyperbole does not help the situation.

So, are you going to answer my question now?

Just did.

Did you ever consider the possibility that they are working behind the scenes and aren’t going public precisely because of the institutional problems you previously mentioned?

If you think that the examples you listed means that all cops are bad because you haven’t heard of any publicly speak out against it, then that’s your problem. But remember that there are over a million cops in the US alone. If you think all of them are bad based on these few examples then you really should move to another country.

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But mine was funny. Yours was simply a lame attempt at snark.

As to your question. Did you not read my initial response? Obviously not… Because I addressed it in that response.
It sure seems like you are not interested in actually having a conversation about the topic… You’ve flung a lot of accusations but refused to answer even basic questions about what a “good cop” is or being able to provide an instance of one; particularly in regards to police murdering people on the street.

If you’re going to troll at least try to be funny?

Edit: seeing your response to Dragon
I see a link to a feel good story about police doing their jobs but still failing to address systemic issues. That is fine and good. But being a GOOD cop really does include actively pursuing changes to those issues when they arise and that is not something that is often on display. Has it happened? Yes. Is it frequent or anywhere near the norm? No.

It need not be a downside at all. If it’s generally legal and accepted that people can and might have guns, then police should not treat this as being suspicious. Nor should they bother accepting calls where people phone 911 simply to say that somebody simply has a gun and is otherwise not doing anything unlawful. Instead the US has the worst of both worlds, where people are explicitly allowed to have guns, but still treated on an individual basis as if it was not legitimate.