Uvalde school shooter's 17-year-old cousin arrested for threatening to "do the same thing"

Originally published at: Uvalde school shooter's 17-year-old cousin arrested for threatening to "do the same thing" | Boing Boing


I feel bad for that family, and I wish we had the properly funded mental health and social services that could help them.


The overly-simplified situation which ought to be presented to the politicians who continue to do the gun industry’s bidding would be point out that the appearance of violent unstable mental states among community members remains fairly constant over time. The significant factor which has changed, which has lead to our current rising dystopia of >400 mass shootings in 2023, is the concentration and ease of acquisition of weapons of mass murder. …of course, they don’t care, as long as the (blood) money flows -sigh-


On the one hand, thank goodness authorities finally acted on the warning signs. Every mass shooter has stuff like this. “Oh we just thought little Billy really liked AR-15s and he always made jokes about killing everyone. Boys will be boys!”.

On the other hand, the real solution is still to ban the guns, because we can’t have police rounding up every kid who plays dark video games or writes emo poetry. That’s the end game of this “watch for the signs” approach to mass shooting prevention.


… for those avoiding 𝕏, this is the article at CNN

It doesn’t seem to be cross-posted to YouTube


where’s the stampede of republicans whining that this kid is being punished for exercising his 1st amendment right to speak freely?


And his Second Amendment right to kill every last person in the room. :grimacing:


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