Every time I see a post on Facebook along the lines of God gave me an immune system or God will protect me or God’s will…
I ask how do you know God isn’t trying to protect you with vaccines or maybe it’s God’s will that we all protect each other with masks.
I’ve even asked what if God sent the virus to bring the world together with a common cause to love each other and help each other or that maybe God is testing us on that whole love thy neighbor thing and we’re failing.
They normally say no that’s not it and they can never answer the follow up question of how do you know that’s not it?
Somehow I think the reply is to compile a list of “outspoken Christians” (eg. evangelists and clergy) that has succumb to COVID and rhetorically ask: “If what they are saying is true, then why is their god punishing them that way?”
The answer is always… Don’t question God’s will. My other question is always if dying and going to heaven is the final reward why is everyone always asking for prayers to save their loved one or themselves.
This cardinal was even saying he was praying the rosary for God to save him, that’s what I don’t get. Shouldn’t he be praying for God to end it so he can get his reward?
I should also say, I do believe in God but the God I believe in is way different than what these wackadoodle so called Christians believe in. I’m also counting on the fact that God has a sense of humor and he’s not too angry at me for laughing at some of his followers.
I see the terms used interchangeably here, but please keep in mind that while all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholic. Many of us Catholics strongly disavow evangelical Christianity, especially us non-USian liberal Catholics.
Probably the same reason why Mother Teresa got herself top-tier medical treatment, even as her hospices didn’t have so much as Tylenol to relieve pain… :-/
That is not really unique for American catholics but catholics anywhere, everywhere. The catholic … whatevs often plays both sides of a conflict waiting to see who comes out on top. Abortion, vaccines, evolution, stopping fiddling priests, you can always find some catholics on both sides of the debate.
There are too many examples but the most ironic and sad one was when the pope was hobnobbing with the nazi’s while Titus Brandsma was murdered in a concentration camp. He was later beautified while the nazis were conveniently relabeled atheist…
Why would anyone need to pray that an omnipotent god’s will be done? Is there a danger that something else will happen? Why would an omnipotent god care that a mortal wants the god to do whatever that god wants? To me this seems much more pointless than praying for a god to save you or to change it’s mind and save you.