Vaccine conspiracy theorist cardinal hospitalized and on a ventilator due to COVID-19

Prayer is definitely contradictory and confusing from a non-believers standpoint, and you will get radically different answers depending on who you ask. A central tenant of the religion in general is that god is not only omnipotent and omniscient, but also cares about humans. A lot of ink has been spilled trying to reconcile that with observed reality. One common explanation for prayer is that you are supposed to be listening – it isn’t so much asking for god to intercede on your behalf but that you are talking about whatever is worrying you and asking for advice on how you should respond. Or you do pray for intercession, but also acknowledge that in the end, it’s god’s will not yours, so you also pray for the strength to accept it if what you wanted doesn’t happen.


Which is just an excuse used by assorted fuckwits to say “God told me to do this”.

No, you fuckwit, YOU decided to do this!


Is that the one with a meth co-processor?



What’s interesting to me is the LDS / Mormon’s prophet just told everybody to get vaccinated. And a TON of super devoted congregants have decided he’s not a real prophet. Which for that church is bananas. I mean clearly, the recent political right has a religious level of devotion, so I guess it makes sense that they would switch sides.

And yet, they would never cross the church or a prophet when it comes to gay rights etc. “Sorry, not homophobic, I just have to follow the prophet’s doctrine” etc.


It has become increasingly clear that for a large number of “religious” Americans, their inner, REAL religion has been transformed into TRUMP and right wing GOP politics. Baptist, Catholic, or LDS are merely their outward appearance.


But he spent even more time making the virus in the first place and creating its ability to adapt and overcome.

Humans make vaccines in defiance of this god’s obvious plan.
“God orders all things in view of His single purpose of demonstrating His glory” and similar nonsense.

And yes, I am being very sarcastic if anyone has doubts. Read any medical text on parasitology and contemplate this “god” made every damn one of them with malice aforethouight.


Hey now! As a sadistic bastard who gets sexual thrills from torturing and causing suffering to as many people as possible… WE HAVE ETHICS, DAMN IT. CONSENT IS A THING.

This man is a monster! Don’t degrade upstanding Kinksters and BDSM enthusiasts by comparing them with Catholic priests like him!


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