Vaped crusader

Only a fool would claim that vaping is entirely safe (and I’m aware that such fools exist). But if you really want to claim that vaping is even remotely as dangerous as smoking commercial brand cigarettes, with their 4000 chemicals – including 43 known carcinogens – there’s not much anyone can do to dissuade you.

Right now, nicotine e-cigs are an unregulated Wild West so I’d certainly recommend anyone using them to check labels very carefully and look for organic mixes with known ingredients. Caveat emptor.

Cannabis vapes, on the other hand, tend to be very clean and produced in an artisinal fashion (for the time being). Many of the best use MCT oil in place of propylene glycol; some use only pure cannabis…which, I’ll remind everyone, the Drug Enforcement Agency classified in a legal ruling as “one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man,” and “safer than many foods we commonly consume.” Laws against using cannabis vapes in outdoor public spaces are politics as usual based on ignorance and lies.

  1. Yeah, vaping clouds around other people is serious asshole material.

  2. There’s a demolition derby race where you live!? That’s so flipping cool I was compelled to see if there are ever any around here. Sometimes there are. I have a new goal.


What’s wrong on demolition derbies, and what is the link to meth?

I bet my little cousin that’s just a bit older would love to see such derby.


I grew out of wanting to watch cars crash around 30 April/1 May 1994.

They do, in fact, get old enough to realize you’re not as dumb as they thought!

Sometimes the best adult relationship you’ll have with your children is with the one you very nearly strangled the most.

I was talking with a friend the other day who made a point that this is a hidden issue with going away to boarding school for high school, or even just having a parent who is gone all the time during that period of life: teens need to have the experience of daily skirmishes with their parent(s) as they’re approaching adulthood so they learn that no matter how awful they are, they are still loved…because they are worth loving, and so are other people who maybe drive them nuts occasionally, like a potential spouse. It’s a major life lesson. It’s just really painful for the parents at the time. And the teens too, but man is it hard to have empathy for that sometimes!

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Respect consent!

We must end vape-culture!


The point has already been made several times on this thread that the reason vaping is being pushed so heavily by the tobacco industry is that today’s teens have learned how dangerous nicotine is and they’re choosing to avoid it. As you’ve pointed out, starting tobacco early is what most reliably makes a lifetime addict. Vaping is a way to get nicotine into the lungs of younger people, to get them hooked.

And if there is nicotine in the vapor, that means there’s at least SOME in the second-hand vapor. It’s not second-hand smoke, but it’s in the same neighborhood.

So the concerns are real. It’s not just hating on the process.


Actually, I’m calling to see if I can get tickets to take my kid, too… :wink:

ZOMG, you guys! Remember rotary phones! Remember public phones!!!


They are QUITE FUN, but it’s been years since I’ve been to one.


I think there is a disconnect on the basic definition of “vaping”. There’s a spectrum from the very discreet (someone mentioned vaping on an airplane and exhaling through their shirt sleeve) to the “cloud” vapers with the mods, custom hand-wound coils and scary large batteries. So “discrete” and “cloud” vapers.

I don’t get out to bars/restaurants/movies/etc enough to know… do the “cloud” vapers really do their thing in a movie theatre? I’d object to that on the same grounds as Tommy Texter; it’s annoying to the other patrons.

I’d have no problem with a “discrete” vaper in the seat next to me no matter what the contents. I have to put up with his body odour, clothes washing habits, farts, bad breath, etc, and see 2nd hand vaped nicotine, THC, or “flavour” in a similar light… the risk I take leaving my house.

I’m vehemently anti-tobacco in my house or car, but would be OK with a discrete vaper who asked permission. But not someone busting out a cloud rig at the dinner table, or anywhere in the house or car. But on the back porch, have at it. Even the largest cloud dissaptes quickly. Just don’t blow it in anyone’s face. Unless someone asks, of course.

TL;DR: don’t be an ass and we’ll get along fine.


Remember when I had likes to give!!!


This, so much this! And I think that to love someone unconditionally, you have to have been loved unconditionally. It’s very much a learned behavior, and one that we (hopefully) learn from our parents first.


For another perspective:

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Yeah, the big problem is, the science is still in the process of catching up with those fools.

America’s largest all-volunteer agricultural fair - so by in September! Demo on Thursday night, figure-8 demo race Friday night. Tractor pulls (stock and modified) and whatnot at other times.

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A furry monster, but neither blue not lovable.


##Just more propaganda from the Tobacco Lobby!


I hear smoking is 95% less likely to shut down immune system genes than vaping.

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This thread…

(ETA, sorry, changed Kanye gifs!)