Vast majority of Americans reject mass surveillance to thwart terrorist attacks

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Aren’t these all “Have you stopped beating your wife?” questions?

[Genuinely interested in the results of a poll on "Do you believe giving up privacy of X would help the US combat domestic terrorism.]


When asked if they supported a law requiring toilets to be installed on the front porch, as a means of fighting terrorism, fully 93% said no.


Interesting that they don’t ask about giving up privacy of snail mail.


I’d like to see a simultaneous poll that asks if people believe that someone else should give up these privacies in order to help foil terrorist plots.

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Of course not—they all think the government should be monitoring someone ELSE’s internet activity to combat terrorism.


And yet, somehow, people keep electing politicians from both parties who keep pushing for this, and we can’t get a major-party presidential nominee who’s not completely in favor of the surveillance state.

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