Veterans remind Pokemon players of memorial park's sanctity by shouting obscenities, punching them

This begs the question what do they think is an allowed activity in the park. Looking mournful and wave a flag around or something?

It’s just a fad … no need to get upset. Give it a few weeks or month and it will go away on it’s own.


The legendary gazebo! And illustrated! My day is so made!

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Yeah, reading through all those restrictions, they’ve managed to turn a park with a memorial in it, into pretty much a parking lot. With everything they restricted, they probably shouldn’t call it a park at all. Just a patch of ground you’re only allowed to be bored on.


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Apparently they are angry that people would show up and play Pokemon because that is a thing played by people without jobs and other such stereotypes.


That’s anecdotal. While very awesome. The majority of 13-28 olds which we can most likely agree makes up the majority of players will not go beyond “hey a stop/gym. Cool”.

We had an older lady screaming at Pokemon players at the park across the street where I live. She was yelling at them to leave as it was “Private Property!” despite it being a public park.

The stupid is strong is so many people.


…or perhaps they could be described as people having fun by playing a video game and getting some exercise by walking around.

If I had a penny for every time an older person got angry at a younger person for acting like a young person I would be set.


Indeed. What better tribute to a fallen soldier is there than future generations peacefully enjoying themselves safely and happily in the place where their memorial stands?


Augmented reality games are going to be huge, but pokemon go will be done in a month or two. They just have to wait a while for the kids to get off their lawn.

Yup. My neighbourhood is named what it is because a battle that was fought there (imaginatively, it’s called Shieldfield, and just down the road where I used to live is called Battlefield, but it’s for a reason :smiley: ).

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I’d be curious to know what informs this rather strong prognostication.

Nintendo’s success in mobile gaming and Pokemon’s success with the target demographic and the installed base of supported OSes are all stronger than Blizzard had when they released WoW for PC.

I don’t know where you live, but people are doing what they usually do, go to parks, go to bars, have a beer, chill out, and talk to each other because the game mechanics are extremely casual and do not control the player’s attention. People take turns placing lures just like people take turns buying rounds while they shoot the shit, chillax, and flirt. You may have just caught a Snorlax, but you really want my weedle weedle is not an oddish thing to hear.

New features and functionality will be continuously delivered, and the time is nigh when Niantic will introduce peer-to-peer trading, almost certainly bounded by proximity, and nerds everywhere will be trading rare pokes for a drink and a chance to get to know their fellow trainers.

WoW came out 12 years ago, is still going, and the media has stopped reporting the number of love-matches and in-game marriages that it made.


I wish I could give you extra likes for just the act of posting Bonzo Dog.

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Even if half the people that downloaded this keep playing we are still talking 50 millions players.

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At least ten percent of the people I work with are playing pokemon go before, after and during work. All my son’s friends are playing the game. It is literally being played by a significant proportion of the people in my city right now and I suspent in other cities around the world. These people are not gamers. For them, it is a totally new thing. But they can’t go on like this. They need to earn money, study for stuff, that sort of thing.

Soon, the market penetration of pokemon go will drop to the mundane levels of other gaming platforms. It will be gone from the market, at least in relation to where it is now.


I’ve been autoplaying to them for an hour now. I’m halfway through Tadpoles at the minute. Here, have some bIG gRUNT as well:


Well, I couldn’t be more bullish on the longevity, but I thank you for taking the time to explicate your opinion.

I personally find it to be a fantastic time-waster when walking to and from work, when stuck in elevators, and when walking from one side of the building to another.

True, but that’s because gamers are dead.


Sorry, I thought you meant this park also had a tomb to the unknown soldier. Which seemed rather grandiose for a small regional park, but… America.

Is that it, though? Was it the particular usage that they objected to, or usage in general?

Heh. The headstones of Gens Kearney and Stevens are clearly marked. Sometimes, there’s a funeral wreath or two.