Vice reporter test drives a fellatio robot

Well, your denial goes against the statistics I mentioned, which are basically just common sense. The ubiquity of autofellatio is merely a fact of everyday existence, and saying otherwise with a username such as “gurglegurglebangbang” seems like an attempt at trolling us. There probably are some guys who don’t do it, but good luck finding them, or getting them to admit it.

Uh… I take it you associated the “gurglegurgle” to a blowjob, so not entirely witchhunt material. That is a coincidence. I spent hardly anytime on this thread, fyi, and others also doubted these statistics which have no source. The “gurglegurgle” is not referring to a blowjob, but is an encoded by poetry self-reference to the fact that I survived an early drowning incident.

And, while I am a relatively new poster, I have been reading this site for years as it hits at a lot of material I find interesting… and even moreso I have worked with one of the editors before. So even more bizarre I have never posted here before.

Why you got so quick to attack me personally on the basis of my very garbled and vague nick and a mere joke on a joke ripe material, I am not comfortable with.

I can only suppose that perhaps you revealed too much and being a personal, intimate matter did not take kindly to jokes on the matter. I did, however, think you were joking (or confused).

I have actually sometimes wondered about the lack of such a thing, though in consideration of this device what comes to mind is the really obvious point that for guys and their thing, really a hand suffices all too well.

There must be some mistake in your use of the terminology, or your experience has been freakishly unrepresentative of the world at large.

I’m sure 95-98 percent would if they could, but you can’t. It’s like cheating at bingo; it just can’t be done.

I kid, I kid! I thought saying that my made-up statistics were “common sense” was an obvious giveaway.

And, FWIW I survived an attempt to drown me (on purpose) so I can empathise that that’s serious business.


LOL, okay that is funny, yeah, you had me going there…

Are you using the word “autofellatio” metaphorically?


Alas, it’s the only way to use the word.

Tell that to Roddy McDowell.

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