Victims of mysterious attack at US embassy in Cuba now have "brain abnormalities"

Best ending to a sci-fi movie I’ve seen in a while.


Rachel Maddow played it on her show (twice!) back when the AP first released the recording. It’s a very unpleasant high-pitched whine.


Could they draft all the paranormal psychic investigators from those rubbish TV shows to check it out? Yes, thanks.

Wait. How do we measure any brain damage for them?

Scientology is always at the leading edge of abuse.


Always ask, “Who benefits?” Cuba needs money and tourism. U.S. Wants security. But…Russia doesn’t want to lose their friend and ally 90 miles off our shore.

But…it could be a double takeout by the U.D or Cuba…

But… oh let’s just wait for evidence, shall we?


The story is bull of the highest order. The “abnormalities” in question are the same “abnormalities” you would have if you had ever been concussed. Effectively, all American football players have these abnormalities.

Its also worth noting that the US has not accused Cuba of having done anything - if you read the communiques carefully. They cant because they have no idea what if anything happened. In addition the Canadians report the same problem. Those who suggest its Russia’s doing (because everything bad in the world is Russias doing) would probably need to explain what the Russians have against the Canadians.

I would suggest that someone in the US wants to make sure there is no normalized relationship with Russia. Maybe there shouldnt be, but when they work so hard to make sure it makes me ask questions. Which is why bullshit stories like this one get airplay.

Cos of course, when bad things happen, who else?

Now who is in favor of more defense spending?


2 words: Winter Sports


You know, looking up-thread an independent observer might be suspecting just a touch of paranoia.

Anyone who has ever sat through a lecture or two on tropical diseases, parasites and arthropod toxins might think the first and most likely explanation lies in that direction. The idea that the Russians would do something like this in Cuba is frankly bizarre. How better to drive Cuba towards the US than to do something which is going to be detected and will result, if proven, in total loss of Russian influence?
Until last year I’d have associated Republicans with red under the bed conspiracy theories. Now it seems to have been reversed.


Maybe I should have added a sarcasm tag (/s) to my winter sports post…

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no, no, I understood, which is why I wrote “looking up-thread” in reply to you.
I know the nature of the Russo-Canadian rivalry at winter sports; it’s like the British/Indian one at cricket.

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