Double root canal done. Should have taken care of this two years ago, but an inflamed abcess made me miserable enough this weekend that I finally got an appointment Monday morning. Got it done this morning, not a huge deal. Feeling much better. Thank FSM I could pay for it.
They have digital x-rays now – seconds to get a great image. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve been to a dentist.
Guys guys guys! At last, some good news, everyone! Although I do feel a bit odd about having a small celebration with all the other shit that’s going on in the world right now… Anyway, after two rejections and one ‘suspension’, all mistakes on the agency’s part, got paid some unemployment benefits. So I’ve been able to pay most of my rent arrears and some other bills. I still won’t have enough money to pay next month’s rent, but I’ve got some breathing space. And. AND! Had an interview and GOT A JOB!!! It’s only part-time and relatively low paid, so I’ll have to stay on the dole til I get something full-time or higher paid… but it’s working from home. So I’ll be paid to work in my pj’s. Yasssssssssssssssss!
And thanks, y’all. Was so relieved on tues, when the benefit issues were resolved and I had the job interview, slept for 10 hours after I got home. And that was from the confidence boost of just the interview - thought it went pretty well but not necessarily so well that I’d end up with the job. Whew!
Oh, and for bonus points, I’m Jewish, she’s German. We both take extreme levels of glee at the silver lining in how the mere existence of our relationship drives the white supremacists to frothing madness (admittedly, this is a short drive).