Originally published at: Video finally reveals what's at the bottom of Yemen's Well of Hell | Boing Boing
Oh, boy, that is super impressive. It looks like an ideal spot for some drone photography.
“There were snakes”
Wait, so how do the snakes get down there? Do they climb down (and up) the sides of the well? That doesn’t seem likely. Do they permanently live down there, somehow? Is there some narrow fissure that they use for entry? This is the most intriguing bit to me.
The depth of it is kind of underwhelming for something that was treated with such an air of superstition. As the camera was tilting downward I expected to see endless tunnel descending into the dark… but it’s quite sunny at the bottom, isn’t it?
Yeah, if that’s hell, sign me up!
They worm their way up from Hell, of course.
If you read the small print you’ll see that it’s only a Hell Mouth every other weekend (alternating with Blackpool).
Odd that no one had been down there. As a rappel, that’s big but hardly extraordinary.
Maybe people have been down there before; but these were the first to survive to report back. It isn’t the long drop that kills you; it is the Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers.
hmmm… 97km (60miles) from the Arabian Sea, so i’ll throw this seventeen sided dice and… yeah it’s “fresh” water (as in not salt water) maybe.
cool beans in anycase. thankee!
If I had the opportunity, I would have wanted to bring musical instruments … a long flute, a trumpet … I imagine it would be a very interesting reverberant space.
I wonder if the Altiverb folks would be interested in recording some impulse responses there.
The Well of Hell actually looks paradisaic!
Snakes! Everyone knows snakes = demons! QED, Well to Hell! (/s, just in case…)
If I was a irresponsible billionaire, it’d be a great place for my Bond castle.
Let’s hope the ones who came back up are the same who went down.
Someone’s been dumping trash down there?
I think it’s like spiders in the bath. They climb down but find it hard to get back up. So they live there with plenty of insects and the odd rodent to eat.