Video: Mall cop pulls gun on driver who knocked over traffic cone

I am honestly not aware of any European conflict in the 1950s (@Mister44’s “not have a major war in 60 years”) that can be seen as larger than the wars on the Balkans in the 1990s/2000s.


Russia is not a developed country. The GDP per capita is under $15000.
I have never seen armed non-police or non-military guards in any other developed country I’ve visited (the original EU and some of the newer members.)

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I’m from argentina, land of Messi and FALs. Not that it’s any of your business. Nice deflection, though.


Based on what I’m hearing and reading, I tend to disagree with you about the US being a developed nation.
I mean, Trump, overagressive cops, Snowden, copyright maximalism, erosion of privacy, … just to name a few topics.

Frankly, it’s been a while since I heard anything positive about it…


Thanks for proving my point.

The US has A Mall cop pointing a gun over psudo-traffic violations, Europe is still shooting at each other and blowing shit up for dotted lines on the map.

I was thinking like WWII, WWI, and other wars between two or more major powers with high death tolls. But yes, even since 2000 there have been several “crisis” and even one labeled as war. I was trying to be fair.

When you get older the passage of time seems to slip away from you. 30 years ago used to mean 1970, not 1990 as it will in just over 3 short years. So yes, it has been ~71 years since WWII. So Mea Culpa on the time.

I have a good friend from Argentina! You guys have managed to stay out wars lately, but according to wiki and using 2013 US and 2014 Argentina stats - your murder rate is nearly twice that of the US. But I won’t admonish you to “do something” because a very small percentage of your country men do bad things.

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The difference is that the people doing the shooting in Europe are called “Terrorists” and the governments try to stop them doing it, while…oh, just go and read the Chicago thread.


woah man, i stand corrected.

You guys don’t have a gun problem, then.

(and btw, our murder rates has little to do with gun control, and more with rampant poverty rates and favelas. But you don’t give a fuck.)


Why didn’t the guy in the car use his gun to prevent his “unlawful” arrest/whatever? I thought you guys had all those guns to protect yourself from the “evil gubermint”, roving bandits, horse thiefs, redskin warbands etc.


I remember seeing an armed postman/armoured-car guard in Poland a couple of years ago.

The daughter’s name is Connie, actually.

They’re French.


We have problems, but I am not going to lump all gun owners in America in with one jackass mall cop. Nor am I going to compare them to the criminals committing violence with them, most of them who don’t acquire guns through legal means.

I concur that murder rates generally have to do with poverty rates. In the US violent crime is overwhelmingly committed by the lower class. Even the crime stricken Chicago is perfectly safe in certain areas. The US has many pockets of poverty and people filled with hopelessness where crime seems like a way to get up in life. Some are even further hurt by systemic racism.


The guy in the car filed a lawsuit, so he’s probably one o’ them evil libruls just trying to take the poor guard’s guns away.


I wish you knew the freedom of living in a civil, heavily-armed society. :us:


Insufficient evidence? That’s insane.

Brandishing, though, is only a misdemeanor in California. Of course, if the suspect were black, the District Attorney would have hit him with the full force of the law and charged assault with a firearm, which is a 2/3/4-year felony. The DA would also have charged an enhancement for personal use of a firearm, which carries an additional 3/4/10 years.

Seriously, though. This mall security guard needs to be prosecuted so he can get it through his thick head that it’s not okay to run around pointing a gun at people out of some overblown sense of undeserved importance.

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Strapped Mall Cop (exactly the sort of person who should never never NEVER NEVER be considered for a position where actual firearms are involved) is not holding a gun, it’s a vape!

but if you want to pretend it’s a gun and then completely overreact, it can be held and pointed like this:


The security guard definitely needs to be held accountable, but the mall is just as guilty. They must’ve known he was packing a gun, and they didn’t check to see if he was legally carrying it or if he had the proper training.


Use a comma, David.

This comment doesn’t have nearly the recognition it deserves.


good point, we have those too

the months before the introduction of the Euro were interesting, motorcades like this one were a common sight (not private ones, though. the initial supply was done by the state)

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What? The image is a little dark.

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