Video of Hollywood celebs "refusing to clap" for winner goes viral

Has no one ever been to an awards ceremony of any kind? Not even in school? Clapping for everyone gets tiresome, and based on some smiles from non-clappers, I don’t know that it was deliberate.

In this Vine, it looks like everyone’s concentrating on her jacket. I didn’t watch, so I wouldn’t know if this is what the audience looked like the entire time she was walking up to the stage, or just in these few seconds, so unless I start hearing from people who saw the whole thing, I don’t see any reason why I should be shaming anyone here.

It was the fourth category out of 24. People were tiring a bit early then.

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tl;dr Hollywood types are mostly assholes. In other news: Sky blue, water wet.

You rang? The Swan dress was perfect! Like Bjork herself!


Not an awards show… BUT, my family and I used to go to this thing called the Silver Scream Spook Show, which showed a classic horror/sci-fi/monster film, and they’d have a live stage show to go with it… all campy, good fun. Once they showed a Godzilla film, and so the live show had a Godzilla thing, involving a guy in a Godzilla suit, of course. So, Professor Morte introduces Godzilla, who comes walking down the aisle… and it takes the person in the suit like a full 5 minutes (or so it felt). It was bad enough that Morte was making jokes about how long it was taking to getGodzilla to the stage (and next time, they had a cart to wheel him on)… we all got tired of clapping, but we did it, damn it… These hollywood types are just lazy! :wink:





This is important. We’ve got a lot of people getting really negative without a pretty important bit of context.

Plus that stuff gets tiring, maybe some of those people had just stopped, maybe some clapped less for other people, etc. It’s probably not as bad as it looks.

Of course, being Hollywood, for a couple of people it’s probably a whole lot more melodramatic.

What did you say? Why did you unsay it?

It’s OK people. Nothing that happens at the oscars is in any way important, and that includes the awards themselves.

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I was thinking that they’re upset with her that Stephen Fry quit Twitter?

I’m just curious about how a costumer has only one outfit for the awards season. (I’m not saying that she has to go into debt, but surely she has a friend or two that could help her make something interesting and comfortable to wear.)

Fry also posted a photo he took with her at the same event. As he pointed out before leaving Twitter, he is friendly with her.

God doesn’t care how you look in church, at least that’s how this atheist chooses to believe.

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Director (and current winner) Alejandro Inarritu was one of them.

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Yeah, that was uncomfortable to watch so I can only imagine how it was in the theater that night.

Sure, but then did you do it again another 23 times? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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it took him forEVAH!!! And then we had a whole movie to get through (and we generally clapped and cheered during the movie, too)… Hollywood! Lazy!!! Except @Donald_Petersen!


FWIW, the NYT is reporting that the jacket in question was “faux leather.”
Not that I think the clapping “faux pas” had anything to do with thoughts about sartorial ethics. I’m persuaded by the argument that it was vaguely irritated boredom and slight confusion about who she was.

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Some suggest they realized they were on camera, but to my mind this is needlessly outraged?

And of course the person who said that is a white dude.