In response to the entirety of your post, I suggest that you consider Googling “unarmed black people shot in the back”. Not even running towards cops.
Kill two people, chase a cop and choke out a reporter, and they handle a white person with kid gloves.
Be black with a little marijuana (soon to be legal) and they’ll lie and choke you:
This is the difference people are talking about. I can’t believe that I am having to explain this.
that led a police officer to humiliate himself on camera rather than use his weapon to stop him
What are you talking about? The officer clearly discharges pepper spray in that GIF. And you are going to have a hard-ass time convincing me that incipaciting chemicals don’t count as weapons.
Sounds . . . painful.
With advances in robotic surgery, it’s relatively painless to have a hyphen removed from your semicolon. But forget about getting a parentheses removed from your colon; you could end up in a comma!
I can. White Oblivion is surely one of the most powerful drugs ever.
Once again:
Finally one of these stories that isn’t from Florida.
Holy fucking whataboutism, Batman!
Newsflash, oh so “concerned citizen:”
Nobody here did any such thing, so GTFOH with your weak ass projection and disingenuous attempts to marginalize valid points.
Dude got lucky. Other police officers have been known to handle this situation very differently.
Seriously, it is a lot harder to claim the officer thought he saw him reaching for a concealed gun when he is naked.
It does sicken me a bit that we as a society have gotten to the place where a video of a cop doing the right thing now makes people think he is a racist. Chalk one up for trumpist divide and conquer.
More like “generations of precedent show that white suspects are less likely to get killed by police than black suspects, regardless of behavior.” This incident just adds one more data point to the undeniable trend.
People just don’t appreciate that incidents like this ending correctly for white people far, far more often than ending deadly for black people is just a statistical aberration from which nothing can be learned.
The trend is undeniable, but this doesn’t seem to me like a useful data point. Most cops most of the time don’t kill black people. It is like saying that every plane that doesn’t crash into the world trade center is a data point to show that Muslims are terrorists.
Most black suspects facing off against most American police forces never would have survived the situation documented here, much less be peacefully apprehended without a scratch.
Which one of these things is more likely to kill an African-American man?
If you picked “cop” congratulations. Now do the same thing for a white American man. The only thing less likely to kill a white American man than a cop is a shark attack.
Correction: Don’t mix numbers from different data sets!
Well, I already linked to a whole list of naked unarmed black men killed by police earlier in the thread but I must concede it’s not really the same situation as none of those men were suspected of any crime.
But yeah, maybe things would have gone better for those men if they’d murdered a few people first.