Video: This Titanium Infused Quartz Crystal is Mesmerizing

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Hey! @SlyBevel and I saw some of that in a rock shop in Park City pn vacation. It’s even more beautiful in person.


“Aura Quartz” is gorgeous stuff! And it comes in a bunch of colorful varieties, depending on what metals they coat it with.

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Coming soon to Steven Universe. :slight_smile:


We saw some of this at the mineral show, but discouraged my kid from getting it because 1) its pricey and 2) it isn’t “real” - or naturally made.

We did get some light blue quartz, though it took technically was artifically colored, but the guy was open about it.

Evidently the new age and wiccan crowd is alive and well juding from the people catering to them.

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Seems like this is all my comments lately, but I want.


…And Steven!


It freaked me out, really.


The quartz is “real” & “naturally made”. Aura quartz has metal coatings added, you don’t have to be part of the “new age and wiccan crowd” to appreciate that they’re gorgeous. I have also seen them made into stunning jewelry and decorative pieces. I also think the science behind the bonding of gold, titanium, platinum, silver, and other metals to quartz is pretty damned cool




This is clearly a dilithium crystal. I wonder how it got here.


Well I am aware that both the quartz and the coatings are from nature, it just took man to put them together. Just like those colored agates and geodes which are mostly white being dyed brighter colors.

Sure, you can think the are gorgeous. I agree they are pretty. Of course you don’t have to be new age or wiccan or what ever to appreciate them, I am just saying I saw a lot of tables with signs showing which minerals were linked to certain things. And in talking with someone about the aura quartz, they said that a lot of new age people are really into it and that is why he carried it.

If they were cheaper I wouldn’t have minded spending the money, but at the show the samples I saw were fairly pricey. But I’d rather encourage naturally colored stones, and appreciate the bounty mother nature has to offer. Personal preference, YMMV. I relented on the artificially colored quartz because its my kids favorite color and it wasn’t as pricey as the aura quartz. Though looking on ebay I may surprise her with a sample as there were some more reasonably priced on there.

ETA - local museum has similarly coated glass.


I like that song, but the amateur geologist in me is like - “Titanium isn’t that hard! It isn’t bullet proof at all! Titanium Carbides and Nitrides are hard as coatings, but again, not bullet proof! Don’t fire away!”

I guess I should “Just repeat to [my]self ‘It’s just a [song], I should really just relax.’”


#It’s just a song, {…} just relax.


I guess I’m not as easily distracted by shiny things as some others.

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Warning for anyone of a vaguely scientific nature.

Just look at the pretty pictures, there’s some weapons-grade bollocks about vibrations being wibbled on that page.

Indeed, I posted the link because it had images. Take a deep breath. You’ll be ok.

FWIW [quote=“megguspee, post:10, topic:82796”]
you don’t have to be part of the “new age and wiccan crowd” to appreciate that they’re gorgeous. I have also seen them made into stunning jewelry and decorative pieces. I also think the science behind the bonding of gold, titanium, platinum, silver, and other metals to quartz is pretty damned cool

I’ve found some gorgeous pieces at reasonable prices on ebay. Ones I find at local shops or shows are always way pricier.
OMG THAT MUSEUM is amaze. I need to see it in person.

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