Originally published at: Virginia gentleman doesn't need to know what Critical Race Theory is, he knows he is voting against it | Boing Boing
There’s no need to complicate a perfectly good shibboleth. Indeed, one who does so risks shattering the simple purity of ‘us’ and ‘them’ into a confusing plurality of intermediate positions; and who wants that?
I’d say you can feel the gears turning in his head but… I think ‘gears’ plural is generous.
No, he’s right. Not only was Ben Johnson on drugs when he ran the 100 metres final at Seoul, but it is my theory that Carl Lewis was too.
Isn’t that the sort of race we ought be critical of?
This guy says Critical Race Theory is the most important issue in the Virginia Election. He also says he has no idea what Critical Race Theory is.
Ah. A typical GOP voter.
I’m going to continue to call the cons’ pearl-clutching version of “critical race theory” hypocritical race theory. They are railing against teaching of things at the high school level that are not even being taught at the high school level. Much the same way they had epic levels of concern about a pedophile ring being run out of the basement of a basementless pizza parlor…
Is he truly so completely ignorant of what Critical Race Theory, or does some portion of his brain still recognize that it wouldn’t do to say blatantly racist things on camera, and he has nothing else to say?
Right wing media doesn’t even need to bother creating cohesive talking points for their audience anymore. Just put up any straw man and say this is the enemy and call it a day. So fucking lazy.
I’m against it because Faux News is against it and all the rest of you are Sheeple for letting the Government tell you how to think.
Love that image. The gears can’t spin because their rotations are mutually incompatible. Deadlock.
Every goddamned time.
Well, it’s one element. There’s another element of the GOP who have a completely wrong idea (or rather, a whole bunch of various, completely wrong ideas) of what CRT is. I’m not sure which is worse… At least, on some level, he’s intellectually honest. He doesn’t need to know what it is - his political “tribe” has decided this is bad, so it’s bad. That’s all there is to it.
It’s just pure tribalism at this point. I was just reading how the number of people identifying as “evangelicals” has increased in recent years. Not that more people are going to those churches, or have those specific beliefs (that’s been decreasing for years). Rather, it’s the way religious Republicans, no matter what their actual religion, identify: Evangelical = Republican, now. It’s part of the tribal identity, and the actual specific beliefs they are ostensibly subscribing to don’t matter, apparently.
Criticize my racism theory.
Yeah, they do. The polling is way too close for comfort.
That article misses the point, although the cartoon gets it. “Critical race theory”, as a political term, now means any truthful teaching about racism, white supremacy, slavery and segregation.