Volante Augment: cyberpunk blazers and jackets

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/22/contrast-piping.html


It would be neat to replicate that piping with fluorescent paint for Halloween.


It’d be neat to us EL wire instead


I do like their jacket styles quite a bit but i think they’re meant to flatter slimmer shapes. Also, them prices are really something.


These interest me.


EL wire would be very cool, and we’ve been talking about incorporating it for a long time. We make an effort to make sure all our products are worth the ticket price, since they are made in NYC, but if you aren’t excited about the price without adding electronics…
Not that the actual materials are prohibitively expensive, but teaching our factory to install would most likely add a bit to the labor costs. We can do it on a custom order though.

As for who they flatter, we carefully design our products so that they will look sharp in all the sizes we make, then it just depends on the individual person. Our team is made up of mostly slimmer folks (there’s only 6 of us), but we are looking to find some models that will show how the products look in the larger sizes.


That would help as all of the pics i’ve ever seen of your various jackets is fairly slim folks. I wouldn’t say i’m very heavy set but i’m bigger than the pictured people.

Cost-wise i didn’t want to imply that it wasn’t worth the price, it’s just out of my immediate price range. I am mindful that these aren’t mass produced items and they’re made with an eye for quality and detail. If you ever did incorporate electronics that were durable that’d be pretty great, the possibilities would be interesting to see :slight_smile: I wonder what other glow-in-the-dark materials could be used that don’t use electronics.

On this line of thought, have you guys ever explored using e-ink sewn into the clothing? I’ve seen it here and there over the years online but honestly don’t know what the cost or durability looks like.


So… is it the piping that makes it cyber-punk?

I don’t know who that guy is. Nice porn-stache though.
I had one in very green with not one but two colors of contrasting stitching
and equally patch-like pockets.


For when you need a jacket that says “I live alone with my large collection of vapes”


No. It’s calling the color “Gilded Carbon.”


Stodgy old curmudgeon (who manages to recall the '80s) checking in: the male outfit looks affected and silly. (“oi mate! lost your emerald city 'av you?”) The female attires look perfectly good. A closer examination of the late 19th century sans piping (or tails!) is what is wanted for the males. selah.


Yeah, most of the photos we currently have that would show what the other sizes look like are taken at the booth at a convention, so they tend to stick to social media posts aside from the models we used for the Starfleet 2364 jacket which is on our website. Here’s a couple others though: https://tinyurl.com/y58fhymt https://tinyurl.com/y2q37vxs

I did find something that is retroreflective that I would very much like to incorporate into our line. It’s iron-on and stretches, so it should be fairly durable, but we’ll have to do our own tests on it to make sure it holds up.

I don’t know anything about e-ink, but I’ll be looking into it now. What kind of application would you have in mind, out of curiosity?


I was thinking of something style-wise like the jackets in Deus Ex, where they have patterns on the top back of the jacket. If that was e-ink one could change between various designs. Right now i don’t think they’re super flexible though so what i’m thinking might only be doable for smaller details… which i still think would be cool. This is likely tech that’s still a ways off from being casually used in clothing but i’m happy to put it on your radar.

PS: I think i’ve also seen shoe prototypes with e-ink


No Panther Moderns chameleoflage, no care.


Hehe… I’ve got a jacket, exactly as you described. Found it at a local fashion designer’s shop in Berlin. Or to be honest my wife found it. Quite a head-turner if worn with welding goggles.


I might wear one of those jackets if it was done in all black without the contrasting color.
I also might work as a model for the heavier sizes.



What a crock. I showed this to Eric Hughes, a surviving Cypherpunk, and he is vastly unimpressed by the couture.

Oh. That’s cyBerpunk.

Never mind.

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I’m inclined to think that these might have started as something else – I wouldn’t deny at all they’re pretty stylin’ – but calling it cyberpunk provides a convenient excuse to bump up the price by 50%.

And, well, if it works, then top compliments to the marketing team. Reckon this would have never appeared on this site without that word.

Next steps?

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