
McAfee: Oops, our bad. Sharpshooter malware was the Norks’ Lazarus Group the whole time
Access to C’n’C server data shows state hackers weren’t smart enough for false flags

SPOILER alert, literally: Intel CPUs afflicted with simple data-spewing spec-exec vulnerability
'Leakage … is visible in all Intel generations starting from first-gen Core CPUs


You don’t think it could get worse then suddenly it does. Yay!


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Are you SURE you weren’t hired by to post links on social media and message boards…?


At the risk of stealing FGD135’s thunder by posting a register link i felt that it should go here because this thing will be a goldmine for scammers. You’d think such an intrusive bit of data collection would have privacy safeguards baked in, right? Of course not! This is the UK government afterall, they’ve handed over responsibility to porn sites with poor track records of keeping data safe and any safeguards in this law are entirely voluntary. They were off to a good start by emailing 300 people about this new law and putting them in CC rather than BCC because when it comes to anything IT related they are fucking inept.

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It seems that video game developers are vulnerable.

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Speaking of the ‘realtime, high-speed Chinafication of the western internet’…

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Something for the Weekend, Sir?


Hopefully the hackers won’t think to manipulate the deployment packages to include rootkits and trojans…

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