Vultures circle GamerGate

There’s about a zillion zingers in there, but this is quite quotable:

Thus, when I see an article titled “Gamers are dead,” referring to the death of the popular trope of a pasty young man in a dimly lit room, it fills me with joy, because it means WE FUCKING WON. So many people are playing games now that they are popular culture. They are not going away. All sorts of cool things, that I like, are now things that a whole bunch of other people like! There’s enough space now for people to make games that are strange and disturbing and maybe highlight a different perspective of the world, because gaming is no longer a niche activity, it’s something that everybody does. There is room for art in video games. That’s awesome!

You slopebrowed weaseldicks with zero reading comprehension and even less critical thinking skills who think an article claiming “Gamers are dead” is something bad? Fuck me sideways with a sandblaster.


It’s so quotable. It’s fucking Shakespeare! :smiley:

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You seem to be laboring under the false impression think that Sarkessian’s opinions is relevant to the issue at hand. (That or you are willfully misleading the conversation.)

I’ve watched her videos, and nothing she has said can justify the verbal abuse she has received both from persons using the #GG hashtag, and those not using the hashtag but implicitly part of the same movement.

As I have mentioned previously. Safety first, discourse second. I’m not interested in debating about whether or not her opinion of the Hitman series is entirely valid until her basic safety, (and the basic safety of anyone who wants to talk about gaming) is first addressed.


Wow. Just…wow!

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Clearly, this guy is has been playing with our scary phrases magnetic poetry set!!!


From the beginning your assumption on women only cars is a kind of fallacy of the single cause and this bit about “there’s certainly a problem with men…” is a kind of association fallacy. Pretty much on the level of “all British people have bad dental work”, “all French people are rude and smelly”, etc.

FWIW, the women I’ve spoken to during the 18 years I’ve lived in Japan have expressed a variety of reasons why they might or might not choose the women only train compartment and while many could be boiled down to “a sense of security” I assure you that concern over the possibility of encountering a groper is not all that means. However I’ll not put myself up so high as to claim to understand all Japanese women’s views or to be able to able to speak for all of them.

Really if you are so concerned or curious, the best I can suggest to you is spend some years living here and get to know people well enough that they will speak honestly to you about this matter.

Protip: rel=“nofollow” is where it’s at.

<a href="" rel="nofollow">This is how you link to stuff and avoid giving googlejuice. Traffic is incosequential to googlejuice.</a>

You cannot claim an association fallacy on me drawing conclusions from the things you introduced and associated in the argument. That’s just ridiculous.

I’m really not that concerned with people’s personal feelings on why they might choose to use the cars over the officially stated purpose of the cars. For some reason a reliance on anecdotes strikes me as a bit of a weak end for a response that starts with an accusation of logical fallacies.


From what I understand, bbs adds nofollow to every link posted by basic and member level users. However, if a “regular” level user posts a link, it does not.

So, if I post a disreputable link, that site gets to be associated with the bbs. I’m not sure that this is necessarily wise.

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This is awesome. I wish there was more of this, a lot more of this. I really want to see a more factual and less rhetorical debate about this issue.


Yep. Helps stop spam as well, but it’s best to let people see under the hood in case they’re posting elsewhere with less sensible design. Interestingly tpb also nofollows outgoing links. Smart.

Since BoingBoing won’t give me more than 2 links (::shakesfist::), I had to leave out a couple citations:

Bain “defending to the death…” (17:50 in to the video)
Bain vs. used games

Thank you for this. People tend to exaggerate what the PMRC lobbied for and claim they were in favor of banning music. No, they were in favor of ridiculous labeling of music. I wish people would stop saying this about the PMRC so I could stop feeling compelled, in the interest of accuracy, to defend an organization I despise.

You could try getting in contact John Bain (aka Total Biscuit) though your chances of reaching him are probably not very good. He’s one of the most popular game critics and now that he’s a hero of gamergate he’s probably being inundated with emails, tweets, etc. (which might explain how he’s managed to convince himself that most gaters are “left as hell”) so any attempt to contact him would be likely be lost in the flood. He’s the only moderate gater I can name.


The “chilling effect” this has had is highly debatable, and many industry analysts believe it was simply a convenient shortcut for kids interested in explicit content to locate their material of choice.

Regardless, if this is the best example of the left-wing authoritarian conspiracy of censorship you can find, straw man or no, you’ve got nothing.


Dear Lord, that was good. I feel cleansed.

He seems to be all about projection. In all ways you can take that too (Lacan, Debord, even Feuerbach, hehehe).

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hehehe I just replied to someone else above regarding Cernovic and projection, and now I see this.
singing “Something’s in the airrr…”