WAIT FOR IT: Surprising new 'Coke and Mentos' video

Though this aside the normal reaction is from Diet Coke and not Coke or at least the aspartame tends to have the larger reaction VS the sugar version.

The pedantic in me tends to get notice that mistake right away.

I didn’t realize the Regular coke has more a fish reaction.

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gosh, it seems unfair, but also totally awesome.

That’s the only explanation I can come up too.


Where did this lawn fishing take place? Are those invasive snakeheads? If so, I can see why they want them gone.

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if i lived wherever that is, i’d never go outside again.


How did someone first come up with this idea?

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Boredom mixed with a lack of porn?


The way to solve that is to #delete… Oh, never mind.


Either regular or Diet Coke will work, but most people prefer Diet, because it leaves far less sticky mess than the sugary version.

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After seeing the egg broken into the hole, I was kind of expecting him to pull a chicken out.


The Diet Coke goes much higher.


Or some odd chemical reaction that cooks the egg.

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But can you fill a hovercraft with catfish?

Somebody needs to mash up one of these catfish vids with a 90’s Mentos commercial.


And Coca-Cola and… gasoline, which is then set on fire. I’m not sure what the coke is actually doing in that situation…

Yeah, that sounds pretty plausible. I think it’s less likely to be bait, given that they’re dropping it in the same area as something that’s making it harder for the fish to breath (the two would seem to be working at counter-purposes).

I believe those are catfish, and google tells me this is a type of fishing called “noodling”.

I guess it’s a little lower profile than fishing with hand grenades.

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What happens if someone drinks a bunch of coke and then swallows a few Mentos? Do they fly?

That sir, is a Mud Shark.