Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/25/washing-away-pesticides-works.html
Makes sense. Even with organic produce.
I recently learned (probably while grazing here!) that avocados should also be washed, even though what we eat is inside them.
It’s nice to see some mask wearing techniques introduced during covid have stuck around, it’s almost nostalgic at this point
Yes I read that, too: you should wash all fruit, even those with rind, because the knife you cut into it with smears chemicals and germs into the interior.
I suspect most pesticides are water-soluble, which would make them easy to apply and also explain this outcome. I don’t know this for sure, I’m mostly making a somewhat educated inference.
We’ve been washing our produce in vinegar, or a vinegar-water solution, for a couple of decades now. It’s a cheap germ killer and once you rinse it off, doesn’t affect flavor. This started after my son did his 5th grade science fair project on whether vinegar was useful for disinfecting a household sponge (it works!).
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