Washington state rep Matt Shea secretly backed and organized terror-training camps to create child soldiers to fight in a race war

Quite agreed.


A solid synopsis of America’s current political chaos.


Team Rugged certainly sounds like the campest organisation imaginable. They might need some feather boas. And were all those dildoes used by the Oregon whack jobs who bravely seized control of a [checks notes] nature reserve?


How the devil is pulling a gun on someone a misdemeanor?


Because guns are a Sacrament. The power to kill is granted by God to the White Race to keep the lesser races in their place. That is how they think of it. And a hell of a lot of police officers, prosecutors and judges feel the same way.


Mentally, most evangelical churches have been teaching that Christians are in a “spiritual war” (God vs Devil) and that you can learn “spiritual warfare” if you want to. Once people believe there is a real war going on, it’s a small step to take that to physical training and preparedness.


They believe that they have “dominion”, the Bible-given right to rule the Earth.


I propose an experiment.

  1. Collect English-language recruiting materials for at least five different extremist groups that use “Christian” buzzwords. One from the UK, one from anywhere in Europe, one from Canada, one from the US and one from Australia. (Bonus points for English-language materials from elsewhere.)
  2. Collect five sets of non-English “Christian extremist” recruiting materials from a similarly broad geographic area, and translate them into (“standard” American) English as best as possible.
  3. Collect five sets of English-language DAESH recruitment literature from five separate countries or regions.
  4. Carefully edit out all specific identifiers that might distinguish “Christian” from “Islamic” writings; e.g. ‘God’ and ‘Allah’, ‘Jesus’ and ‘Mohammad’, etc.
  5. Provide a pool of volunters with at least one edited copy of a sample from each of the three broad categories above.
  6. Ask the volunteers to pick the DAESH propaganda from the “Christian”.
  7. Present the results… And the edited documents but not the unedited versions… To Faux News.
    Hypothesis: Faux News accuses the study of providing nothing but DAESH propaganda…

Y’all Qaeda - Aren’t they distributed by BeaSSt Productions out of Greensboro North Carolina? If not they should be. What a great band name!


The post doesn’t explicitly state that Shea is a Republican, but I would have trouble imagining him as anything else. So he will step down from office in shame in 3, 2, 1… wait? He won’t? He’s totally on point with the overarching goals of the party? Oh. Well then, carry on I guess.


Weird, when Africa does it, everyone’s all over condemning it as an act of some socially ass-backward, dare I say primitive society, but when it happens in the good old USofA, condemning it is “anti-christian”…

Hmm… the double standard wouldn’t have to do anything with melanin content would it…?


Following up, this is in the paper today:

I can’t emphasize enough how much at odds the police guild is with the named council members. Would not have expected these guys to come out against him on this. It’s the police union for the city of Spokane, and Shea is in the Spokane Valley, but it’s still pretty big.


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