"Waste of my fucking time" whispered into hot mic after Paul Ryan defends Muslim nation travel ban

Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/01/31/waste-of-my-fucking-time-w.html


I don’t think that was Ryan, but whoever it was wasn’t wrong.


It’s a waste of a lot of peoples’ time and more, Senator. Has the thought of ending it crossed your mind?


Paul “waste of my fucking time” Ryan.


So Say We All!


This is delicious. I love how little respect the new potus and ryan command.

I had this conversation with my non-trump-fan parents this weekend. They’re having a hard time because they were taught growing up to always respect the president, even if you don’t agree with him.

I replied that respect is something you have to earn.


alas, if time was the only thing being consumed in this flaming shitshow du jour

time is fire in which we burn


Sheesh modern-era Stormin Norman on the left there needs to lose a few pounds or he’s going fail his next PFT.


I believe Ryan didn’t say it. I didn’t see lip movement that I thought consistent with the words. But it was true in a way. Ryan, Trump, and their entire pack are gigantic wastes of this country’s time. They’re going to distract people by fan-dancing with Muslim this, border wall that, and abortion the other thing, while Vladimir Putin dismantles NATO and the EU and turns the government of this country into his personal puppet show, and the corporate fatcats who have been invited to take over the government loot the Treasury, turn the public schools into American madrasas, overthrow the 1st Amendment and make what little government we have left a theocracy, and make it legal for polluting companies to poison people with no way to get legal redress against them, and together they all turn the Constition into outhouse paper.


Your command of the English language is delightful. Sir, I salute you.


It’s starting to look like Trump’s presidency has already flown off the rails and that if he keeps on like this his ouster may come sooner rather than later. He has agencies in revolt, states/cities in revolt, mass protests, and our closest allies distancing themselves from us. Having isolated himself from the DNI and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, his first clandestine military operation resulted in the high-profile deaths of a Navy Seal, a little girl and several women. He refuses to coordinate with congressional republicans on the ACA repeal, instead focusing the spotlight on cluster fucks like the Muslim ban and his press secretary’s bald-faced lies. Nothing about this feels “normal” to anyone.

It’s still too early to tell, but it may be the case that he’s simply not up to the task of being president, and that after a certain point the public outcry will be such that Congress will have no choice but to act.


EDIT: Aw damn… too late.


Trump is doing exactly what his boss in the Kremlin told him to do. He is taking his moves from the playbook written by the Soviets during their heyday. He is conducting a purge of anyone who has any position of authority and who may offer any dissent. He is making it clear that the only way to save jobs is to give personal loyalty to him, no matter what the laws say. He has clearly shown he wants and will have nobody working under him who is burdened by either a conscience or by respect for the Constitution. As time goes on, Trump will prove to the world that the only thing he will accept from any government employee is not loyalty to this country but loyalty to him, personal loyalty that overrides any laws - the same type of loyalty demanded by Hitler and Stalin and Mao.

Trump has appointed a man to head the FCC who has stated publicly, in so many words, that the government will discard the principle of net neutrality, which means the new rules will allow ISPs to choke access to web sites they do not want to be seen. Why do you think he’s doing that? So he can use the FCC to ensure that it is impossible for any opposition to be seen on the Internet. It is not just childish pique that his very first act as President was to have a temper tantrum and order the NPS to shut down all social media usage. That was just him losing control (for which is was infamous long before he became and candidate) and being too vehement about something he already planned - issuing orders about Net access that ensure the only people in government who are allowed to use the Internet are those who repeat his lies and propaganda. Trump’s playbook for his actions in communications comes straight from the mind of Lavrenti Beria.

Trump is making himself so repugnant to the leaders of other countries that they are already thinking of walking back any support of the US they ever showed, making it easier for Putin to neutralize and splinter both NATO and the EU. He is putting people in charge of Cabinet departments who are so clueless and incompetent (Rick Perry), or such hardshell ideologues (Betsy Devos) committed to using their new positions to advance their own personal agendas, that the operations of those Departments are guaranteed to be a witches’ dance of incompetence, favoritism, and corruption which will make it impossible for them to get anything worthwhile done. Trump is doing everything he was ordered to do to demoralize, disable, and disassemble the Federal govenment. The horrors he intends to perpetrate in the name of “business” - dismantling the EPA and making it legal for businesses to poison and kill people with pollution, and allowing the whores of Wall Street to take over the public finances of the entire country - are just icing on the cake.

I believe with all my heart that Donald Trump is literally a traitor, that he sold this country to Vladimir Putin in return for getting the KGB to hack the election for him, and now he is paying off the debt by reducing this country to such a chaotic shambles that Putin can do anything he likes with no risk of any action on our part. It is irrelevant whether Trump is evil, insane, or just horrifyingly stupid (although very cogent arguments can be made for any of those possibilities) - what matters is that he is a worse threat to the freedoms of Americans than ISIS ever had wet dreams about being. They’d have to come up with the money to cross the ocean somehow before they can do anything to hurt America. Trump is already here, dug in, well financed, commanding a horde of slackwits who are incapable of having any thoughts about politics or this county beyond grunting “Murica!” between lite beers, and he has shown that he is willing to publicly wipe his ass with the Constitution in order to impress inbred Neanderthals who can’t even spell the word.


I believe that he’s trying to set himself up as a Putinesque autocrat and that his actions are consistent with this, but it requires a certain knowledge of statecraft and the mechanics of government to pull that off. You can’t just walk into an auto repair shop and start welding things and tightening bolts because that’s what you’ve seen other mechanics do—you have to actually understand how the parts go together, and why the process that repairs a Pontiac is different from the process that repairs a Ford. My initial impression is that Trump is play acting at being Putin, but he doesn’t understand what it takes to be the American Putin.

That having been said, Congress is so pathetically weak and irresponsible that they might just let him do it. I’m not by any means suggesting that he’s not dangerous or that we should take him lightly, but his first ten days show indications that he may be out of his depth.


If I were there I’d consider it to be a waste of my regular time, not to mention that other kind of time.


It sounds like Ryan. It looked like everyone who was on stage exited, and right at the end when the camera pans back, there’s no one at the lectern. I wonder if the crew followed the relatively common practice of setting up lapel mikes on the speakers as well as the one on the lectern. I don’t SEE lapel mikes, but that doesn’t mean much.


Recording engineer nerd alert: It was him (voice tone and pattern match) and his excuse is hilarious because they don’t put LAV mics on camera operators, AND a shotgun mic couldn’t have picked up a signal that clearly unless the mic was 6" and directly pointed into his face.

He said it.


I am obnoxious with my repeated refrain, but I think it bears repeating: Lead by example, or gtfo.

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Why would he be wearing a LAV mic with all those mics on the podium? (Non-sound engineer here so I genuinely have no reason to doubt you I was just wondering.)