"Waste of my fucking time" whispered into hot mic after Paul Ryan defends Muslim nation travel ban

This is a clown car administration, and I’m waiting to see who comes out next…

P.S. Please don’t fuck up America.

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I start out with respect, but if one earns my disrespect, one must work doubly hard to earn the respect back.

He would be out of his depth in a coffee stain ring on a tabletop. And he refuses to admit it. And he’ll issue executive orders to gag any government employee who does.

What you’re saying about him is what the ruling class in Germany thought when Ernst Rohm showed up and created the organization that Hitler hijacked. Der Drumpfenfuhrer doesn’t give a damn about torque specs and the right way to install gaskets. He is an overgrown child with an emotional age of about 9 - a spoiled brat 9 - and he thinks the way to “solve” things is to have a temper tantrum and wreck it and then have mommy and daddy buy him a new one. You don’t need to know a damn thing about automotives if your goal is to burn down the repair shop and build something different staffed with people whose only qualifications are that they kiss your ass, a really, really yuge operation, the best, with the best people who will do things bigly.

It doesn’t matter whether or not he is smart enough to be really like Putin. He is taking orders from Putin. And from the White House he can cause damage to this country that we may need generations to recover from, IF we can recover at all. IF that incompetent, self-lubricating wanker doesn’t start a nuclear war because someone insulted him on Twitter. The launch codes are in the hands of an emotional cripple who thinks the way to act “Presidential” is to launch emotional tirades and threaten legal action that is a direct contravention of the 1st Amendment because someone wouldn’t bow and scrape to him. The fate of this nation is being decided by a dangerously ignorant, nearly-illiterate, ill-mannered psychopathic pig who thinks that truth is whatever he wants it to be for his needs at the moment. God help us. Nobody else can.


You realize the Reichstag Fire was 9/11, right?

This is the long play failing…

P.S. The Autocracy will fail indubitably.

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Has it ever crossed his mind that they should stop the ban because people are wasting their time protesting it and unable to accept it as a temporary measure that even Obama and Clinton have used during their presidency? Or is wasting the time of the 109 people who are delayed? It is very unfortunate but a valid measure for any country with borders to make to protect itself. (THIS IS TEMPORARY - 3 months). There is no human right to enter any country. Nor is the US Constitution a contract with the world. So now that it has crossed our minds, you good?

109 is a bullshit number. You shouldn’t repeat everything anything Spicer says before doing some fact-checking.


Ok so it’s an erroneous number, maybe. What have you solved with that? That many more people have been inconvenienced? How inconvenient. Therefore what?

Tell refugees getting sent back to war zones that it’s a mere inconvenience.


getting rid of trump would be a good start.

currently, we have about a four year vetting process for refugees. i think it’s overly long, but if people think it’s broken they should sit down together and find real solutions. the ban is a joke, and will stop no one who is determined to do harm on american soil.

as already said, it’s not an inconvenience. multiple courts have already agreed that this causes very real harm.

recognize there is literally nothing that will keep americans completely safe. while laws are always balance between security and freedom. we are a democratic pluralistic country, built on the ideal of accepting all people.

the ban goes much too far, and does much too little.

the real outrage here is that people who feel inconvenienced by having to deal with diversity squeaked their way into the whitehouse and are having no regard for the majority of people who did not vote for them.


From the beginning of human history to the middle of the 19th century it never occurred to anybody that it would even be possible to stop individuals from moving around.

An international border marks the end of the territory occupied by one military power and the beginning of the territory occupied by another military power.

Individual immigrants do not constitute a conquering army, and there is no need to initiate force against them with detention facilities and other forms of violence.


I would address the self awareness of someone both here and being sarcastic while pointing fingers.

We’re not required for the conversation you’re having. Enjoy the mud.


Good thing he’s surrounded by people that can help him with this.

He seems to be setting himself up in such a way that he can basically bypass congress should of he so desire. He has already shown a complete disregard for the judiciary thus far. What chance does congress have? It’s a republican majority anyway and repubs are extremely good at putting up a united front.


No evidence of “real harm”, just a lot more inconvenience for more people. You only mention their names. Did you read what they actually said also?

This is all very confusing for people that think that Trump’s whining is the first presidential whining in the last 8 years. So fine. Whine away, if it makes you feel better. I know Trump whines a lot. Can you say that about people on your side of the aisle? People that are blind to Trump’s faults didn’t put him in the White House. Those who voted for Obama last time and couldn’t bare to continue his policies and elect Clinton with all moral failings and chose Trump as a lesser of 2 evils put Trump over the top.

Did you? Judicial rulings override your opinions as to what constitutes real harm. Here’s a mulligan for you: Start calling them “liberal activist judges” instead of trying to pretend you’ve read anything besides Breitbart and Daily Caller. That way anyone coming into the conversation late will know to ignore your regurgitated bullshit talking points. Like I’m doing as of now!

Bye, Felicia.


A minor quibble is that it did occur to the Romans; it was the main reason why they built the Limes and Hadrian’s Wall: to limit traffic going in and out of their territory. Also Constantine and Diocletian both restricted the rights of the coloni to migrate.

Going back even further, one of the reasons why the Babylonians are the bad guys of the Bible is because they used forced relocation to homogenise their culture, something the proto-Jews successfully resisted long enough to form a cultural identity.

So yeah, it did occur to them. Just not to the degree that modern citizenship with its focus on loyalty to the nation-state has tried to fence us in.


Here you go. A legal US resident who died as a direct result of this ban, because she was stopped from returning to the US to receive medical attention, after a brief trip to visit her extended family during which she fell seriously ill.

Is that enough “harm” to make you happy?


one down, 1,599,999,999 to go?

(sorry, couldn’t help myself. the state of the world arises my inner misanthrope)


omfg who are you even talking to?


Do you pull facts like this out of your arse? Are you the living stereotype of “ignorant american”? I’m not surprised that apart from the “Holy Constitution” not much is known about the rest of the planet and international conventions and treaties.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 14:

(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.