Originally published at: Watch a crowded escalator fail spectacularly | Boing Boing
This is pretty scary, people could get a foot crushed by the escalator or get crushed by people piling on top of them. Hope everyone was ok
That’s not always true. I’ve seen plenty of cartoons where the escalator, or staircase, turns into a big ol’ ramp where everyone just slides down, usually into a pit of alligators and such.
Mallrats was right!
i was hoping it was at least going in the other direction, but this is much, much scarier.
I was expecting the individual treads to fall out and drop people through any works in the middle and through any ceilingboard on the bottom of the course (as opposed to bedrock or concrete.)
Makes a shambles out of the expression “Well, that escalated quickly.”
“That de-escalated quickly” doesn’t really work.
Maybe “It went downhill, fast.” applies best.
(Hope everyone didn’t get too hurt.)
And a big FU goes to the designers who put the metal bulwarks in the center divider to prevent people from sliding down it - or escaping the escalator without injury in case of this kind of failure. How about some nice soft ones if you need to put something there?
My only question is why was he filming at the time?
I’ve often wondered this, going back to the Funniest Home Video days. At least these days people aren’t wasting actual money and physical space on tapes recording hours of footage of mundane things, presumably in the hope of something interesting eventually happening.
The video starts with people already speeding down, so they might well have just been browsing their phone, and had the presence of mind to start filming. I wouldn’t be surprised if the broken escalator was making some “I’m about to break” noises before it let go which might have tipped them off.
That’s just rush hour mode. /S
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