Watch: America is an "out-of-control kid" who needs a mom

OK, I appreciate fighting “tone policing”. That isn’t what I am trying to do here.

I don’t think she is too shrill or angry or any of that.

Her delivery is made to emulate folksy right wing rhetoric tactics. Upon thinking about it, this was done on purpose. The fact I wasn’t sure which way she was going to go was on purpose. It is made for some one from the right to start nodding their head and mutter, “Tell 'em, Mama Bear!” and then the record scratch, “Wait, voter protection? Green New Deal? This dirty liberal tricked me!”

That’s my criticism. I don’t think emulating folksy right wing tactics like that is a good choice. YMMV.

If one’s criticism to my criticism is that I am tone policing, then I guess I will shut up now.

If one thinks this IS a good tactic, then please explain to me why.

-Grabs arm- Absolutely not. We are doing these things and all the others because America “needs to adult.”

Yeah, the last thing America needs is a dictator-- “maternal” or otherwise. Besides, the caricature of the tough mom really is demeaning to my mom.

Realistically, I think you’re reading far too much into what is basically a good-faith rant.

And yes, America does need to adult. As does humanity. And as she’s at least a member of one of those groups, I choose to hear her perspective because that’s how we, frankly, adult.

Condescension would require her believing that she’s above the rest of us, and I’m personally unwilling to jump to that conclusion.


Possibly? But that was my honest gut reaction.

This account is “@IAmPoliticsGirl”. Which means their twitter feed focuses on politics and influencing people. By its nature it is political propaganda, scripted and edited.

I believe the style choice was intentional. Good faith means I believe part of it was tongue in cheek and shows, to a degree, the absurdity of similar right wing media. But I don’t like the emulation of it. YMMV. I don’t think she is a bad person or anything.

I am horrible at Twitter, but found two more videos of hers, and neither use that emulation The tone and cadence was largely the same, without sounding like a bearded MAGA hat wearing dude in a truck telling you “how its going to be”.

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