Watch as the Ghostbusters franchise gets even more fractured

Sorry, not sure what happened there, but the link should be fixed now. It goes to the original Entertainment Weekly article announcing the sequel, and the animated mention is near the end.

Never heard of Ecto Force before, so I’m not sure if it’s the same thing, but it doesn’t mention that name at all.

As long as it isn’t like this…


Really it was subjectively mediocre. Sony really has a problem with genre pictures and at least at the time wasn’t reaching very far. Really Ghostbusters 2016 was about as great as Pixels and while not outright horrible it also didn’t try to reach past that level. Sony is really an inept studio that has a real hard time making a decent genre movie. I can only imagine why Into Spiderverse was so good is it was largely ignored by management.

Disclosure: I worked for Sony Features back in the 2000’s and management had their heads up their asses then as well as now.

It’s a real shame Ghostbusters as a franchise was turned into a political football by nearly every side. You had the burgeoning white supremacist/gamer-gate assholes and Sony on the other side trying desperately to be woke. It was a toxic hellstew of a cultural moment that many fans didn’t want to be in the middle of. It’s a real damn shame the property wasn’t in the hands of a competent studio.

The problem was Paul Fieg was a REALLY bad choice to launch a genre based world building/cinematic universe (And yes, that was their actual goal to compete with Disney)

At least it wasn’t as downright horrible as Batman V Superman or the mummy.


Because of that show’s trademark - it is why the later cartoon based on it was called Ghostbusters, and the cartoon about the movie Ghostbusters was called “The REAL Ghostbusters”.


The reboot was WAAAAAAAY to on the nose. All of the cameos took me right out of the movie. They were bad parts, except maybe Ernie Hudson’s. It just tried too hard if that makes sense?

I thought they were a nice nod to the franchise even if Bill Murray’s cameo went on way too long, but then Bill Murray’s cameos always go on way too long (see Zombieland)

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