WATCH: authorities obsessed with inspecting people's anuses

Ditto. I know exactly what postures and little gestures will get my dog to sit, lie down, come over, eat something, not eat something…

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The Bottom Inspectors

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Just gonna leave this link here…

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That’s ridiculous, police dogs can’t count.

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We really do need a comprehensive, well-conducted, controlled, double-blind trial.

And we need to NOT test just the dogs, but also the handlers. We need to have part of the trial be for the handlers to know (or think they know) that a dog “should” alert on a particular car (or whatever).

I agree with the sentiment of one of the speakers on the video. There is a place for dogs in police work, but to presume they are impartial and infallible is to head down the path of losing access to the use of dogs.


They don’t call them probable cause dogs for nothing.


No, that’s the dog’s actual name. Probable Cause. And his sisters Exigent Circumstances, and Because Terrorism. Good dogs all.


An animal that doesn’t like to sniff butts? How 'bout we just end the absurdity of prohibition altogether? It would also save a few people (and pets) getting shot in their own homes.


Unless the ability to shoot people, seize their money and kill their pests IS the core, hidden reason to keep the prohibition running. Then it would be not so absurd anymore.

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No, then it just becomes totally unethical and completely evil.

That’s not mutually exclusive with “not absurd”. It can be all three at once.


Just putting this out here as a PSA.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


It may be easy to train the dog to respond on cue, but it’s even easier to just say that whatever behavior the dog exhibited was “alerting”. It’s not like the cops have a dashcam and body camera pointed at the dog the whole time.


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