Originally published at: Watch Batman's Adam West have a terrific conversation with himself | Boing Boing
Is he trying to get out of a date early?
Of course they don’t say “goodby”. Typical.
Note oh Bat-fans that Commissioner Gordon and Chief O’Hara have failed to transpose the phone receivers properly that such an arrangement would work. Thereby they should’ve come to suspect that there weren’t two independent phone calls involved !bang! !zowie! !kachowww!
Absolutely my favorite Batman, by a huge margin.
Batman: “Luckily the Bat-Phone in Commissioner Gordon’s office was equipped with a Bat-Microphone-Reversal setting for this exact scenario.”
Most comic-accurate for a portion of the silver age comics, sure. The shift in tone we saw in the Tim Burton movies was as much down to Burton’s unique style as it was due to a shift in how the comics themselves were being handled in that era.
Look carefully; they actually placed the receivers properly, the commissioner rotated the black receiver fairly fast. So, the arrangement during the conversation is as follows: on the top, the speaker of the red phone is aligned with the microphone of the black phone and at the bottom, the speaker of the black phone is aligned with the microphone of the red phone. Everything is as it should be for such a conversation.
I was joking/not joking. But I am still waiting for a live action Batman movie that accurately captures the Batman of the O’Neil/Adams/Aparo/Rogers, pre-Miller era. IMO, the Animated Series is the apotheosis of the character on film, so far: a man who turned a tragedy into a calling and became a hero.
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