Watch Adam West react to Michael Keaton's casting as Batman

Originally published at: Watch Adam West react to Michael Keaton's casting as Batman | Boing Boing


In the clip, Adam West is just saying how he would have played it if he was cast. He says nothing about Keaton. I’d like to think with his sense of humour and professional generosity that he was happy with the choice.

As for the tangentially related story of Ezra Miller (a name I’m unfamiliar with), I assume the studio is wary of getting itself into another potential Armie Hammer situation (Hollywood has different standards than the the GOP)


Michael Keaton’s other performances of the same period (e.g. in Clean and Sober and Beetlejuice) showed he could have been a great Bruce Wayne … if Tim Burton had just given him anything to do


didn’t actually hear adam west say anything about keaton being cast. did i miss something?


The interesting thing is that Tim Burton back then said that anyone could play Batman, he wanted someone who could play Bruce Wayne. And to be fair, Michael Keaton did do the job pretty well. As I recall the fact that there was less Bruce in the movie than planned is part of why Tim Burton refused to do a third, because he hated the control the Warner execs were straightjacketing him with.


Ugh. Get a storyline right in ONE universe, then talk to me about multiples.


At 3:07 if you aren’t interested in watching the rest of it.


In Color…


Really? Nobody’s posted the definitive Adam West reaction to the Keaton movies yet? Guess it’s up to me:


I don’t think the original comics Batman qualified as a “disturbed”vigilante, at least not compared to some of the later depictions.


Notice the studio is hyping everything about the movie except it’s star. Miller is unhinged, they are a walking disaster and turning out to be an absolute nightmare for any PR purpose.

So look at the monkey !! Ignore what is obvious and lets focus on the unsubstantiated. So much talk about ex-Batmen (Keaton & West) in a not-Batman movie…

If I could make a gif, it would be jamming a bunch of DC comics into a blender and call it “Betting The Farm”.

That DC starts pushing Multiverse soon after Marvel gets into that space…

The Flash is going to be a a damp pile of poop with stunt casting as it’s only (weak) draw.

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Damn BoingBoing clickbait headlines…!

In all seriousness, that was a great video. It captured the mood among fans and recognized that the trailers for the moving were causing quite a stir of excitement, like they do today but inside the theater instead of on YouTube.

I know some will write the people interviewed off as “intolerant fanboys” but back then not everything was quite so toxic. Their point about not trusting Hollywood is valid, and the one guy who worried that it would be the 60s BatMan all over again had a point—in 1989, no one had really made a good high-profile superhero movie yet that put comic fans first. The Superman movies had their moments but were geared toward general audiences not comic fans. Batman was the first to do the opposite, start with the comic fans and make sure it was accessible to general audiences too.

That was a good report for what i assume is just a local tv station? They even dug up two pre-West Batmen from the 1940s, I’d never heard of those.


One of the things I find charming about the 1940s serial I saw is that stately Wayne Manor is a modest middle-class suburban home.


the guy from Dave’s Comics is someone I have actually bought comics from, since the shop was walking distance from my grandparents’. weird.


Now I want to see a report over the controversial casting of Pee Wee Herman as the Penguin’s father.


The debate continues…


Say what you will, but I think of all the Batmen walking a fine line of their gravitas against their comedic talent, Keaton is still the best candidate even without Burton.


While the debate will endlessly rage over who was the best batman, I think we all know the answer for who does the best Joker:

Mark Hamil.

The Joker Reaction GIF


probably just “fans” especially since they interviewed more than just dude presenting people

i for one think all those interviews were great. they capture the era in a way that makes it seem like it’s a fictional clip from an fake 80s newscast comedy. does tv news even bother to do things like that anymore? ( it’s with people from all over the us. wild )

“arnold keaton” was priceless