Originally published at: Watch: Coca-Cola lost $4 billion after this simple act by soccer's Cristiano Ronaldo | Boing Boing
Should’ve been a Dasani water on the table - but maybe that’s not international.
A pro athlete choose water over unhealthy fizzy sugar/corn syrup water?
His sponsors should be happy that he did something that made him look like a good role model for kids.
Another thing note of note. He accidentally did something in a single minute that american conservatives tried and failed to do the past few months hahaha
Coke is more than happy to sell you any beverage, including plain water, just as long as they can enclose it in plastic and ink!
Revenue, or value? I kinda doubt anyone who regularly drinks coke is gonna be influenced against it by this diva.
Yeah, like him or not (I skew to the not for the way he treats women), he definitely has a pretty strict dietary regime to play at the level he has for so long.
When Paul Pogba did the same with the beer at a press conference for some reason beer stocks didn’t plummet!
“And you can turn the water back into a flavor drink.”
eta: Followed by a soda machine to complete the circle.
Well, there are beverages, then there are beverages. People have an inherent understanding of what is truly valuable in life.
Value, stock price went down. It’s a bigger than normal drop but nothing out of the ordinary for the company. It had way bigger drops at the start of the year. I don’t think anyone should be concerned if they own shares. In full disclosure I own exactly one share of KO as sorta a joke.
Yeah, that’s total nonsense.
defector.com had a piece mocking this idea (probably pay walled) noting how New Balance’s stock took a nose dive after one of their staff commented on a Twitch stream how the NB logo sort of looks like the NE Patriots logo.
Look! Paul Allen just sneezed. Microsoft’s valuation changed by a billion. No wait, Tommy Kruger of Wausau Wisconsin just logged on to Minecraft! Now it’s changed by $2 billion.
This kind of reporting is just embarrassing.
Coca-Cola is black sugar water poison.
Should have had a Dasani up there. The profit margin is even greater.
If I am being 100% honest, my first thought was that he looked at the bottles and thought “Coke hasn’t paid me for this, no freebies.”
Some people will be influenced, but not enough to really change revenue.
As to the value, it didn’t drop by anywhere close to $4 billion. The stock price changed a bit, but a changing stock price isn’t reflective of the value of a company anymore than the speculations of real estate agents wandering by your house change the value or your house.
In this context… from the aptly titled album What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits, the track Black Water
No other connection. Just good music.
Or, just hear me out, maybe it’s just a down day in the market, and Microsoft and Google stocks have both slipped the same percentage as Coke today.
Did a soccer player somehow have his Surface tablet, with Google visible as his home page, dipped into a bucket of water?
And nothing of value was lost.
Well, not by me anyway.