Watch 'Dr. Phil,' no medical license, rant COVID-19 falsehoods on Fox News


via Imgflip Meme Generator

OK. To be fare Phil’s doctor credentials is mentioned but the most interesting thing for me is the content of the ‘mea culpa’ video. Yes the cut out of context 1st video is an easy target and we all get how this media trope plays out.

But dare I say it his apology seams to me quite reasonable and being a populist communicator I would even suggest important and worth supporting. Or at least having a productive discussion around.

He admits his mistakes clumsily but the important take away for me is his emphasis in the follow up video on mental health issues and isolation.

He has access to a large public following and if he can present interesting mental health issue to that audience then why shoot the messenger.

For example a couple of topics close to my heart would be the inevitable crisis of domestic violence and suicide exacerbated by isolation. Women and children being trapped with their abusers.

Popular voices can always generate a lot of the “Bono” noise but I reckon as flawed as he and his platform is personally I would let this one through.


Fify… something something character limit.

This is not true. A candidate modified-live bovine coronavirus vaccine: safety and immunogenicity evaluation - PubMed

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My apologies, I had thought about that when writing but that was i little too close to the bone for me too.

I believe this stuff is important so I should have spent more time on it.



And that, in my opinion is the right way to do it. For me it would feel awkward and dishonest to use my PhD title in areas outside of my academic experience.


Perhaps not. But to my generation he is the real Dr Who…


Read the room, my man.

He’s reading the room perfectly. (He’s on Fox, remember!)

Phil: “45,000 people a year die from car accidents, 480,000 people die from cigarettes …”

Huh. There are 33,000 annual gun deaths in US. I wonder why he doesn’t see fit to mention this in litany of “normal” deaths… Another example of reading the room?

Phil: “… 360,000 people a year die from swimming pools …”

Complete bullshit. Fact: “According to the CDC, there were 3,709 U.S. deaths from accidental drowning or submersion in 2017.” LINK Oh, and he’s saying he “misspoke” now: but that just again shows what a complete moron he is. Plus, the damage is done: 20 million Fox viewers right now proudly have the “360,000 pool death” factoid lodged in their hivemind now.

You mean John Edward [McGee, Jr.] (the fake medium), not John Edwards (the fake politician).


It’s not that he shouldn’t use the term “doctor” at all, but rather that the title(? honorific?) should only be applied in contexts that make sense. If I’m going on tv as Dr So-and-so and the topic of the hour of climate change, I better damn well have a doctorate in climate science. Why? Because if viewers see Dr So-and-so on the program about climate change talking about climate change, they’re going to assume that their doctorate is somehow relevant to the discussion. Why else would the news network invite me to talk on this subject?

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Oprah Winfrey and “Dr.” Phil McGraw destroyed my marriage. For that, I should thank them, but neither of them get any respect from me.

Interesting how these yoyos (Phil and Oz) go on Faux and spout their pap to the willing recipients, and then go on other platforms to “adjust” their comments to be more socially acceptable, but Faux never airs the “adjustments”.


Oprah also gave a stage to the face of the anti-Vaxxers, Jenny McCarthy. Wondering how that crowd reacts to a vaccine for COVFEFE-19.


Right? Like if I’m on a plane, and someone asks for a doctor, I’m not going to say “right here, do they need a history lesson…”

The problem isn’t whether “Dr. Phil” uses the title he’s entitled to use, it’s HOW he’s misused it here. :woman_shrugging:



Good to see you missed my entire point… thanks!


It all has to do with the indefinite article. You can call yourself “Doctor” with a PhD. Call yourself “a doctor” and idiom would you are implying an MD.

In the opposite direction, calling yourself “a prince” just makes you endearingly pretentious. Calling yourself “Prince” is a trademark violation. Time was HE couldn’t even call himself that.

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In grad school, we knew of a guy in the same field who’s last and first name were the same, and he had a PhD and MD. So we referred to him as Dr. Dr. Smith Smith.


I think Hunter S Thompson called himself “Dr. Thompson” because of his PhD in Journalism.


What’s more Fox News than a fake doctor playing one on TV, on TV?

Fox is the Republican version of the Chinese state media, full of authoritarian bullshit, and batshit nuts koolaide drinkers trying to run a steamroller named “Submit” over any thinking person with a brain