Watch Google's Gemini AI show off its capabilities in mind-blowing demo


Google researchers interacted with the model through text, not voice, then picked the best interactions and edited them together with voice synthesis to make the video.

minor details. you know.

“I can’t stop thinking about the implications of this demo,” tweeted TED organizer Chris Anderson on Thursday. “Surely it’s not crazy to think that sometime next year, a fledgling Gemini 2.0 could attend a board meeting, read the briefing docs, look at the slides, listen to every one’s words, and make intelligent contributions to the issues debated? Now tell me. Wouldn’t that count as AGI?”


both funny, and disturbing to see the talking heads eat things like this up, and never with any self reflection.

[ eta ]

it occurs me… tech talking heads have slowly been realizing how hard self-driving cars actually are. so, i guess it makes sense that the latest round of algorithms get rid of the car and the driving. should be much simpler now.


Is the world still pretending that TED talks have any credibility or utility, and are not just vacuous displays of pseudo-intellectual self-congratulatory onanism for well-heeled elites?


your guess is as good as mine. :person_shrugging:


IOW, the google demonstration was a high tech late nite infomercial. “Call within the next twenty minutes and get a 2nd Gemini for $199.99!”


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