Watch: guy compares effects of booze vs LSD on everyday tasks

You see things not as they are, but as you are.

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So what if I see everything as giant turkeys? (Easy answer: JAPH, yer a turkey)


Then what you are is the one who sees everything as giant turkeys.

And, they’re flying, amirite?


Nice pic, as the video was about that guy seeing what condition his condition was in.


When I’ve had a few too many I don’t get mean or dour. I get very friendly, then make poor desicions with money.

“Wait! You’re saying… You’re saying that I can be friends in this online community for free? BUT I can also donate $500 and make everyone uncomfortable? Gimme a sec to remember my Paypal password!”

A bit like this:

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well that isn’t even remotely true…there are a LOT of substances, and only a small small percent are taken recreationally. even in the recreational substances some will have dramatic shifting effects on certain individuals. sometimes these are exactly why people enjoy them other times the effects are detrimental.

i have a friend who is a pacifist, won’t even slap mosquitoes or flies, the sweetest guy you ever met, give you the shirt off his back kinda guy, who becomes an uncontrollable fighter when drunk, will even hit his friends who he has known forever. He can’t drink at all and chooses other substances to avoid hulking out. he doesn’t have any latent anger issues that are just suppressed, doctors have told him it is a bio-chemical reaction his body has to alcohol due to his genetics, he also turns bright red when he drinks.

neurochemistry is a very complex thing, how you define what you are and are not is largely based on the specific balance your body maintains, throw that off, even temporarily, and you can experience the full range of human expressions.


Curious why they didn’t mention sex in the video, these substances have dramatically different impacts.

I couldn’t have said it better myself.


In fairness, Jack Daniels deserves to get poured down a drain. Hardly a fair contest if he’s going to drink crap like that.

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He didn’t do “stare into a mirror under harsh fluorescent lights” or “spiral into contemplation of the futility of existence.”

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