Watch gymnasts Laurie Hernandez and Madison Kocian throw creative first pitches

Not off topic, thanks for your input. :slight_smile: And great video.


Perhaps I’m dense. Could you please connect the dots between the 2 quotes above, in the context of your posts? Note, the primary content of my comment was on the athletic performance, the postscript was on her appearance, similar to yours. My comment did not change the topic of the thread, the criticism did.


Well, at least I’m not the one running the goalposts all over the field.

It at least looked like you were saying that her attractiveness was an important part of her value in this context. It’s often insinuated that female athletes’ appearance is relevant to their performance, so this comment wasn’t likely to go down well.

On the other hand, someone’s ability to throw a ball is not a factor in them being asked to throw the first pitch. At all. The Koreans seem to take that part a lot more seriously, while the first pitch seems to be more of an honour in America, to be given to veterans, celebrities etc.


So, short of no comment on appearance, which clearly is the standard of my detractors, I should have said what? More separation to make clear the appearance was not connected to performance?

“A much better pitch too. Oh, and BTW, purely as an afterthought, I happened to notice, she’s seriously smokin hot.”

She is a bit though, isn’t she? I also noticed that. :wink:

No idea, but I kind of think public comments on professional women’s beauty have reached saturation point. Personally I’d just comment on something else.


This seems relevant. Side note, not a dig at anyone.


So, nice weather, eh?

Ah, Internet, place of such extremes. I was recently shocked to discover there’s an entire Youtube genre of young women fishing in bikinis.

Yeah, I mostly only comment in my head on most topics these days.

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That’s probably wise.

Well, that didn’t last long.


I said NOTHING about their appearance!! You just can’t please some people.

Women fishing in bikinis on other websites is “on topic?”

And you don’t ever need to worry that pretty little head of yours about “pleasing” me; I don’t need no help in that area, boo… I’ve got it handled.




Y’all don’t want to hear what I don’t say outloud! LOL


Same here.


Inside voice, outside voice, and never to be heard by another human voice!


Nah, I share with my closest pals, who are equally as nefarious.



And what people on this thread are trying to do is provide some education so that you can understand that it isn’t polite, no matter what he or you might think of the matter.

Now that you know it’s considered rude, will you choose to improve, or will you choose to be rude?


Just to be sure I understand your position: comments about appearance, positive, negative, in person, about someone on Youtube, or in a magazine, are now verboten. You can’t compliment someone on their shoes, because all the people you didn’t compliment will have a sad, and that can’t be allowed. Do I have it?

Why are you silencing him?!
